Thursday, May 25, 2006

American Idol

It amazes me how a show of talentless people who are doing glorified karaoke are the #1 show in America. If you go to any karaoke bar in America there are always a handful of people that can sing pretty good. American Idol contestants sing these cheesy ass songs and then while they are singing they sometimes all start dancing together. I feel embarrassed for them just watching.

Sure people are going to say they like watching the very first few episode when they show the people that really suck at singing. It seems those people are just an act now and purposely try to sing as bad as they can so they can show up on TV.

The real contestants that get picked for the show can't write a song to save their lives. The songs that they sing for the show are out of date, lame & heard way too many times before.

So what is the obsession with talentless young adults that sing karaoke? I honestly don't know?!?!
Maybe it's the talent in front of the karaoke stars Paula Abdul, Randy Jackson, Simon Cowell or host Ryan Seacrest?

Simon is the bitter judge who dislikes everyone's performance no matter how good it was "that was absolutely terrible".

Randy is the judge who tells the contestants how it is the real judge "dog blah blah blah dog",

Paula is the judge that's afraid to tell the contestants how bad they actually were. Instead of saying you sucked she'll say "Clay you're a beautiful person"

Ryan Seacrest the metrosexual who everyone thinks is gay makes fun of Simon or Randy with his "witty banter". (I can't think of anything funny he says sorry"

In conclusion I guess American Idol contestants are as untalented as coffeehouse performers. The only difference is coffeehouse performers think they are talented cause they can write a 5 minute song that drowns out in the background that no one is listening too.



Anonymous said...

Who sounds a little bitter???


Anonymous said...

so, we're still waiting in line together for next season's tryouts, right?

Gregg O'Connell said...

uhhh yeah of course we are i wouldn't miss it for the world!

don't forget we're waiting inline overnight for the sale of taylor hicks new single too in a few weeks!