Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Dead Homies (Video)

If you liked the Reservoir Dogs then you'll probably love this! If you love action figures doing things with music behind it with cheap website plugs thrown in then you'll love this video!
Screw it just freakin watch the damn video! what what what!

Download the Video!

or Stream it below


Anonymous said...


Gregg O'Connell said...

i dunnno either

Anonymous said...

Nice job Gregg! I don't think people realize you were the hidden Reservoir Dog, it's too bad your scenes were cut out from the DVD extras. Maybe next time America will see your tremendous acting skills.

Gregg O'Connell said...

it definitely was a disappointment to me to not make it on the DVD. But to finally have my name on the internet means so much more!

Gregg O'Connell said...

first I make them laugh then they fall in love with me...watch out bridget..you'll be a full on greggoconnell.com groupie before you know it or can control it!

Erica Ann Putis said...

That was pretty indie rawk of you...

That should be your music video for a "I love my Mom" song...


Gregg O'Connell said...

dont sweat me cause im mad talented

Anonymous said...

Talking toys? your onto something.
you have a twisted mind. it's what we like aboout you.

Gregg O'Connell said...

and you know what I like about you is your fair complection and that fine tone to your voice.

complection + tone = sexy!