"Gregg you only went to high school and 1 year of community college you're not smart enough to be able to figure The Da Vinci Code" or "Gregg you really should've read the book because the movie sucks!"
There is this albino character in the movie named Silas and it seems that he has these almost super human powers and no one in the movie can stop him except this crippled guy with a cane. Does that make sense? I guess the crippled guy stopped him with the element of a surprise attack. Tom Hanks as usual played his role of a Harvard Professor/Code Breaker to perfection. You've got to give it up for Hanks as one of the best actors of our generation maybe even better than a young Chevy Chase!!!
I'll have to agree that the movie is average to above average at best. There is a lot of religious imagery and quoting text in the bible. It's not to religious of a movie. You won't get sick to your stomach and not want to go to church this Sunday. The whole movie questions the story of the beginnings of Christianity. To the point that it would shake up Christianity forever.
It's awfully long 149 minutes to be exact!
Should you see it?
Yes if you like to question Christianity! If you like Tom Hanks! If you like long movies! If you like paying $10 to see a movie!
Why shouldn't you see it? It's above average at best! The things that happen in the movie are kind of cheesy! You don't like being ripped off by paying $10 to see average movies! You hate Tom Hanks!
I give it 6 out of 10 stars!
I suppose the problem most people have with the movie is that they didn't read the book. I read it and it was the most basic thing I've ever read. For a mystery book its pretty easy because everything is spelled out for you. So once you realize its more of a suspense/thriller then you really start to get into it. In my opinion the movie was great and followed the book very well. I definitly recommend you read the book, it won't take long and then watch the movie again.
send me your book and ill read it son :)
Brian has it right now and hes in PA! Just go buy it for 5 bucks, it'll be chepaer than me shipping a hard cover book to you lol.
send me $5 paypal :)
bah you just bought a 360 and a HDTV! you can spare 5 bucks!
360 in november 05 and a tv in march!
come on son! be a good cuzin!
i'm not cheap! i just don't regularly purchase books. do you want to buy me it bridgee?!?!?
Yeah I'd say the movie was pretty average. Tom Hanks was definitely not who I would have cast as the professor. Don't get me wrong I really like him as an actor just not in that role. I was kinda bored with the book at first because it seemed so predictable. I've definitely read better mysteries. But what I liked was all the bible info. Now that was interesting. The movie was ok at first but then I ended up really liking it. I thought the ending was better than the book! Hmm weird because I never think that about book & movie.
Coleen it's nice to hear from you!
See I never ever read unless its a magazine so me liking the book better than a movie never happens. What you said though about the books almost always being better than movies is very common and I am surprised you liked the book better than the movie!
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