Saturday: Wild Animal Park
We started this day off a little later than the other 2 days before this because we were waiting for Emily to get off of her training job. We arrived at the park at about Noon. The sun was beating down so it was pretty hot compared to where I live by the ocean. Most of the animals here have wide open spaces to go and do whatever they want. The park is 1,800 acres so they have quite bit of space to pooh, eat and play. It's sad to see some of the most visited dangerous animals like the Lions & Gorillas. They are in these tiny little spots where the people are very close to the animals. When we were by the Gorilla exhibit it said they don't like being stared at so a lot of the time they were putting their backs to the audience.
The lions are in a little bit bigger of a spot than the Gorillas but not much. The lions were pressed up against the glass looking into space while people snapped photos and looked on in amazement at how close they were to the "King of the Jungle"
We also took the train ride around the park and that was really cool. We could see herds of animals running in an almost natural habitat. There were giraffes, deer like animals, rhinos, etc...These animals have acres and acres of land to do what they may.
View the Wild Animal Park Photos
Sunday: San Diego Zoo
This morning started off with a freeze! There was no hot water in my house until late afternoon so we got to the zoo pretty late. Immediately upon arriving at the zoo we took the bus tour around the park. That took 45 minutes and showed about 70% of the park. The places the animals stay in here are way smaller than the Wild Animal Park's exhibits. I know its a zoo and its supposed to be smaller but its still pretty sad.
If you like birds this place has a lot of them. From African ones to American ones. Lots of deer like animals. The elephants I guess are very smart. They have the IQ of a kid in Kindergarten. The elephant kept doing little tricks for treats for the trainer.
View the San Diego Zoo Photos
Overall both parks are pretty cool. They aren't that expensive either especially if you have AAA. AAA saves you 20% on the total cost of the tickets.
you shoulda came! you coulda been posing with the gorillas!
ya i'll go if you pay :)
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