Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Rock Church in San Diego

I haven't been to church in like 43 years or something so as you can see its been a long time. I told my friend Stephanie a while back that I would attend church with her since she is super religious and I always tease her about it. Well she held me to my word and I finally attended church with her this evening.

We went to her church "The Rock Church" it's like this new age kind of Christian church. Almost Everyone that attended is like in their 20's. The Pastor is a former San Diego Charger, recovering drug addict yadda yadda yadda named Miles McPherson. He talks in slang & he uses modern culture references for his stories.

The crowd seems totally buy into the fact that everything in life happens because of God. That God can fix anything. My friend went as far as to say that while in Africa someone that had AIDS was instantly cured after praying for God to cure them. Now to me this sounds ludicrous and totally out there. I think things just happen because they happen. Does everything that always happens have to be because God wanted it that way? I dunno it just seems like a lot of "Santa Clause" talk to me.

So would I go to church again? Not unless it was to someone's wedding or funeral. I really have a tough time buying into the whole "miracle" thing. There's a lot of positive thinking and believing going on there and that's definitely a good thing.



Anonymous said...

You love having a new age God.

Gregg O'Connell said...

i just love having a God period

Anonymous said...

Everyone has a god in there life somewhere, the real question is who (or what) is it, and why do they fulfill that spot.

Gregg O'Connell said...

gabe i dont think its so much a "God" as it is something that comforts them. For instance my dog for me is comforting but I wouldn't think of him as a "God"

Anonymous said...

gregg o'connell is my god.

Gregg O'Connell said...

I am pretty outstanding aren't I :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it. That last note points out a great fact though, many people are their god. They are the most important and highest priority above anything else. The old "looking out for number 1" philosphy.

Anonymous said...

Many people are unwilling to accept God as a person who is above all, over all, and loves all. It messes with their head. People put Him in a box. They view Him as the mean man upstairs; or the reason something bad happened; or the keeper of the place they hope to go when they die if they are good enough.

Gregg O'Connell said...

Gabe & Anonymous who are you? You both sound like you love a "God" not the "God" but a "God"

The reason for "God" is to comfort humans of the unknown of death.

Anonymous said...

i pray to you every night, gregg. oh god.

Gregg O'Connell said...

keep praying cause one day your prayers will be answered

Anonymous said...

I'm just a person who saw your title and read it while setting up my on blogger account. And to answer the other statement, I do believe in God, as in the one spoken of from the Bible. I thought your experience visiting that church was an interesting take.