I woke up this morning from a nice night of sleep with the rain hitting the roof and my fan making its pleasant fan sound to find an email in my gmail account from my mom saying that she found my website. I was in shock and I began crying and contemplated suicide for like 7 or 8 seconds but I decided it wasn't the right time to kill myself :P. My mom doesn't understand that my website is my way to be creative and get release. She's afraid I'm gay because I like to joke around that I am. Maaaaaaaaaa don't worry I'm not gay I'm just merely pretending because it makes the girls laugh, the straight guys cringe and the gay boys fall in love with me. I didn't want my mom to find my website cause I knew she wouldn't fully understand it and I knew should be disgusted haha. It's all in good fun and romance though!
The lesson to this story is don't tell your friends, family or parents about your website if you have one because you never know how they'll take it! I know my mom is going to get upset that I wrote an entry entitled "My mom found my website" but I just needed to get this out because otherwise I'd go mad like a gay guy on a cruise with all straight people!
Contains (0) Zero grams of Trans Fat,
A BIG congrats to my friend Sesman who had a baby girl on Sunday Morning Shyanne Emalie Smith born 6lbs 12oz!
Haha - Now the whole world know the truth about Gregory Shane...
done i'm famous!
totally my fault.....i told my mom who told auntie barb....oops?
kevin thanks for ruining my life :)
blogging is fun- dude u r going to vegas- thats my favorite place in the world- shoot machine guns- rent a Viper or Porche- gamble dude- u love craps- ur good at it 2- I love gambling-
i'll make sure i shoot a machine gun while im gambling!
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