Friday, June 09, 2006

2nd Times the Charm

It took two tries but I passed the California written drivers test! WooFuckinHoo! I was very anxious to get there this morning so I arrived 15 minutes before the DMV opened. There already were 25 people waiting in line ahead of me. I got lucky and got to walk right into the testing area.

The test was a different test then the one I took yesterday. It had maybe 4 of the same questions as I had last test. This test honestly seemed a lot more difficult then the one yesterday. You are only allowed 6 wrong and I only got 3 wrong.

I should start taking these tests all the time. I'm a freakin' pro now it seems anyway.

Thanks to everyone who prayed and wished good luck upon me. May God Bless us everyone!
I'd like to give some shoutouts to some people:

Emily if it wasn't for you helping me out with the sample tests and printing all 99 pages of the drivers manual I wouldn't a California Class C license holder!

Herbie: that pep talk you gave me last night was very inspirational.

Benny Honda (my new car): I wouldn't have even tried getting my California drivers license if you hadn't come into my life. Thanks brother I love you!



Anonymous said...

I printed the damn manual for you today! No love?....

Gregg O'Connell said...

damn i hope you know that jealousy isn't very becoming of you!

Gregg O'Connell said...

you give good backrubs too don't forget!

Anonymous said...

And I DON'T give good backrubs?

Gregg O'Connell said...

you wish id let your hands touch my creamy white back