In Massachusetts the summertime is humid and feels like 150 degrees. The humidity and temperature last all day and all night without relief. It makes the air hard to breathe and makes me beg for air conditioned rooms and ice cold drinks.
In San Diego the relief from the summer hot comes when the sun goes down. The air becomes much cooler. There's really no humidity here compared to Massachusetts. It doesn't rain here either which kinda sucks because that's definitely a nice cool down.
Since San Diego is a vacation hotspot the summer brings lots of tourists and traffic. Beach areas are jam packed and attractions like Sea World are busy all day. You don't really get that in Mass except near the beaches because there really is nothing too exciting to do. There's no real theme parks or water parks. I mean you have Six Flags but that sucks compared to Lego Land..Am I right kids?
When summer hits San Diego I don't really realize because it's warm and sunny all year long. The only difference ins summer and winter here is that the mornings and nights are in the low 50's in winter and in the summer they are in the mid to high 60's.
I wish it were winter here all year long. It's cool enough to really not need a heater and warm enough to not need an air conditioner.
The summer kills me I sweat all day long it's disgusting. My armpits are like little puddles of sweat that are constantly moist. I had to change my deodorant because the non-scented kind wasn't disguising the smell. I now use Speed Stick with Irish Spring as the scent. So all day long my armpits smell like a bar of soap. It's nice for a few minutes before it starts giving me a headache half way through the day because the scent is so strong. Before you tell me about anti-perspirant stop because that contains aluminum and we both know aluminum causes armpit cancer!
lots of love,
Are those girls like 17 or 18 years old? looks like that movie quote "me so horny, me love you long time".
But you gotta give it up to those
"oriental" girls (no political correctness here buddy, i'm old school)'nt China and Hong Kong in the Orient?...OK then...thats why they are orientals. anyways...Oriental girls have smooth skin and tasty...well tasty....well...Hmmm...this might be a family friendly site so i'll just say theres no fishy after taste. :)~
yes those asian rls are a thing of taste and beauty
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