Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The San Diego White Girl Curse

I've been keeping a close eye on the culture that San Diego white females choose to live. Don't they all seem to be on that same diet of:

Breakfast: Starbucks Tall Vanilla Non-Fat Sugar-Free Latte
AM Snack: Yogurt & Banana
Lunch: Salad with Low Fat Dressing on the side
PM Snack: Nothing or throw up lunch
Dinner: Southwest Egg Rolls, Quesadillas & Chips & Salsa to share. Don't forget about the multiple adult beverages throughout the evening
ALSO Don't forget the WHOLE DAY they are consuming gallons upon gallons of filtered water.

They love their big oversized sunglasses that blockout the sun and potential enemies.

Fake tans aka bronzer, flip flops, Seven Jeans, tank tops, meat head boyfriends, Motorola Razr cellphone, little dog in a bag, VW Jetta, long blonde hair, ipod, 24 hour gym membership, apartment with no cable, office job, went to/attend SDSU, need I keep on going?

The SDWG Curse is a strong curse and keeps on growing with each new generation that becomes independent. To steer clear of this curse don't watch MTV and don't go to Pacific Beach!

Tomorrow's Curse? Asian Girls!



Anonymous said...

You're pretty good at observing a small number of people from a specific group and making judgments about them! Perhaps you should focus more on GREG!

Gregg O'Connell said...

I'm already pay enough attention to myself. It was time to focus on someone else and that someone was the cliche san diego white girls.

are you mad cause you fit the description?

Anonymous said...

"I'm already pay enough attention to myself."

Perhaps you should pay attention to a grammar book.

Gregg O'Connell said...

I know I messed that up I'm so stupid!

Keep coming back sweetie you know you luhhhhhhhh me!

Anonymous said...

Who cares if they're all the same -sd white girls are HOT. I'd put up with antidepressants and an eating disorder to date one any day. Who wouldn't?

Gregg O'Connell said...

paxil is king!

Gregg O'Connell said...

anonymous is a little biotch that I don't know.

ya SD White girls are whack! well the ones with blonde hair.

holla back!

Anonymous said...

hey where's your post on asian girls? i just happened to stumble across your page and i want to see what you have to say.

to be fair though, white sd girls tend to be pretty hot!!

Gregg O'Connell said...

being fair isn't how i play though...