Thursday, June 29, 2006

Chinese Chicken Fingers

I haven't had Chinese Chicken Fingers since 2004. Man those fuckers are tasty little guys! After searching in vain through almost every chinese restaurant I could find for chicken fingers I came up empty. It's weird because thought chinese chicken fingers were all across the USA but everyone I ask that isn't from the northeast doesn't know what they are.

I decided a couple weeks ago that I would search for the recipe that the chinese restaurants use to make those little tasty asian treats. I asked my boy Terry who lives in Massachusetts if he could go to a chinese restaurant and get me the recipe. To my delight and suprise he said they sell the actual batter mix at the grocery store. He said he'd buy me some and mail it to me. Well in typical lazy Terry fashion I still don't have the batter mix. So I looked on the internet for the receipe and found it! Here's the receipe:


1 1/2 c. flour
2 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 eggs
3/4 c. milk
1 1/2 tbsp. salad oil


1. Slice chicken in long thin strips. Dip in batter.
2. Deep fry in vegetable oil.

I performed this receipe to a T. This receipe either was missing something or maybe just maybe I did something wrong because this possibly was the blandest chicken I've ever tasted. If you know what pancakes taste like without butter and syrup but add salt, pepper
& chicken then this is the recipe for you!

I'll continue to dream about those golden doughy crunchy chicken treats until I actually taste the real thing.

Checkout the photos!



zdenek55 said...

the batter is on the way bro, fear not its cummin

Gregg O'Connell said...

bro stop testing my patience.

Anonymous said...

I saw a show on the food network highlighting Boston (some huge mall with a huge food court) They started talking about chicken fingers! I must admit, they did look pretty tasty.

Chicken Fingers rule the nation!
(never really tasted one...but they look yummy.)

Gregg O'Connell said...

yea i'm still looking for the exact recipe b/c the ones i made tasted god awful

long live the chinese chicken finger

Anonymous said...

originally from MASS i cant find them anywhere in Vermont that taste as good as South China in Lawrence. Another thing you cant find anywhere is pork strips white meat with red edges.

I found if you use Onion Ring Batter Mix and add little bit of Flour it will work but of course never as good as the real thing.

dont forget to double dip them for the thick batter!

Anonymous said...

must have duck sauce with the chicken fingers, the brown sauce that has an applesauce taste, not that yellow crap that comes in sealed packages

Anonymous said...

My husband and i moved to FL 3 years ago and are still in search of the elusive chinese/MA chicken finger. We tried the same recipe but yes it is awful. We were thinking of trying peanut oil and maybe some MSG? If you have any updates we'd appreciate it.
Meg from MA

Tremas said...

2 cups flour
2 cups cornstarch
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon baking soda
1 tablespoon sugar
2 2/3 cups cold water
oil (for frying)
3 1/2 lbs boneless chicken breasts, cut into chunks (you should get about 6-7 dozen pieces)
seasoning salt (optional)

Unknown said...

Hey man...I realize this is really late after your original post. But I got bored and tried trackin down a recipe for this very thing, came across this page...and saw you had the same prob as me. I tried something similar to yours...and since I decided to continue my search, I came across this recipe. I'm gonna go try it myself right now. Hopefully it works...if you're still lookin for one. Try this address...

3/4 c. flour
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 egg, beaten
1/2 tsp. ginger
5/8 tsp. salt
3/4 tsp. pepper

Sounds interesting and should have some more flav than the boringness I tried when I used a bisquik recipe. Hope that helps. Oh and I'm in Mass as well. Heh

Ant-Val said...

Oh how I miss them so much.

Especially from "China Pacific" in Uxbridge/Whitinsville (blackstone valley area).

I have tried a bunch of things and the closest I can come is using "used" oil that I also used to make other things like orange chicken (which comes out GREAT!).

it's still a tuff one that I haven't figured out yet...

I too, am from Mass originally.

Theodore Ted Farino said...

Paul's Kitchen in LA

Unknown said...

In North Carolina, from Boston MA, and there is nothing close to the best of our chinese or italian food, period!!!

Unknown said...

Your recipe looks dead simple I'll try it out just because of that fact alone ;) Thanks!

ctag416 said...

know that this is really late but this is how to make chicken finger batter
1 cup flour
1cup cornstarch
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
up to 2 teaspoons of sugar(I usually don't even use a teaspoon full)
then throw in some salt, pepper, onion powder, chili powder, this is really your preference. The original recipe doesn't have spices added to it but I like to add stuff.
Hope you helps

ctag416 said...

Oh it would help if I told you how to cook them.
So you coat small pieces of chicken (like chicken finger size) in the batter.
Then you deep fry them or put some oil in a frying pan and fry them like that.

Erin said...

Hi Gregg!
I'm constantly looking for a good recipe for chinese hicken fingers, because I honestly don't want to pay 10 dollars for 10 chicken fingers.

My grandmother always made these things called pork fritters, and one day I realized that the batter would be perfect for chicken as well!

Simple as it is, it's the recipe off of the Rumford Baking Powder can, which is very close to your recipe. I can't recall it off of the top of my head, but what we do is parboil the chicken, and we add garlic powder to the batter.

To use the extra batter, we add a can of corn and make corn fritters.

Hope this helped you a little!