Saturday, June 17, 2006

Meet The Parents

The second big test in mine and Emily's relationship happened last night. I meet her parents and sister for dinner at Sammys Woodfire Pizza in UTC. Emily really talked up her parents as being really into manners and her dad being kind of hard to read. I went into the night thinking her dad would be a joker like she also previously said but also detached from me being there.

I arrived at the restaurant 10 minutes before they did. I went inside put my name in for a table for 5. They said the wait was 15 minutes so I waited outside and out of no where without any preparation the whole Ignacio family was there! I greeted her dad as Emily asked me to "Hello Mr. Ignacio" and he said "Oh you can call me Art" and her mom also said I could greet her with her first name Lisa. My initial my feeling of her parents were they were both cool and down to earth. I had seen their photos online and Emily told me quite a bit of background on them before I ever met them and everything I heard before seemed spot on EXCEPT her dad being hard to read. Her dad is a total joker and very funny. Her mom is very sweet and both parents don't look or act their age.

I didn't really go into the night being nervous. The only thing that I felt a little out of the loop was when they were talking about family stuff and people I had no idea about but Emily would always say "You know her remember I told you she was blah blah" haha I felt like Emily was testing me it was funny. This was also the first time I saw Emily's sister for more than 5 minutes. Emily to me looks more like her dad and Christina (Emily's sister) looks more like her mom.

What's next Christmas with the Ignacio's?



Anonymous said...

Two words that will help you: flash cards.

Seriously, we have about 24 first cousins, not counting their spouses or children. So don't worry. We can barely keep track.

And I'm sorry if it's weird that I comment on your blog. Just trying to keep the Internet friendly, I suppose :)


Gregg O'Connell said...

can you make me up some flash cards?

ill make you some of my chinese chicken fingers mmmmmmmmmmm