Monday, November 14, 2005

Erica Putis Quits The Predicates

So as some of you know Erica quit the band (The Predicates) she and I started back in 2002.
We met at an open mic in 2001 and then in January 2002 we wrote our very first song "All We Know". We liked that song so much we decided to keep writing songs. We had about 20 songs when this security guard named Ted Anderson (used to be in a band with Joe Perry from Aerosmith) at the Radisson hotel where we played open mic at hooked us up with his friend Robert Holmes who was the lead guitarist for the band 'Til Tuesday. Robert had a home studio up in Vermont so Erica and I went up there in May 2002 to record "Dissin Treez" We finished that record and played out in Massachusetts and Rhode Island as an acoustic duo. In January 2005 we met Dave Tuetken. He found us because we placed an ad online looking for a drummer. We then recorded our 2nd album with Dave on drums and Erica on bass and me on guitar. We still haven't released this album haha even though its finished but it will be released soon enough :). The whole band moved out to San diego in November 2005 but Dave moved back to Rhode Island and left the band in April 2005. Erica and I went back to being an acoustic duo. In September 2005 we began recording our 3rd album and its also around this time Erica started to get easily upset with me and has found it hard working with others musically. She gave me the news that she didn't want to be in a band with me anymore about 2 weeks ago. I didn't announce it because I wanted to for her to go to Massachusetts and come back see what her final answer was. She told me last night that she was through with it so here I am today.

Erica was so easy to write music with, she comes up with harmonies effortlessly and it really added the extra mmmphh the songs we wrote needed. She sings awesome, has an incredible ear for what sounds good, bad or off. She is just an incredible musician and I'm super glad I met her. I couldn't have asked for a better person to write music with, it's been nothing but a good time writing/playing music with her. She's been the inspiration of many songs that I have written and she will continue to be. Thank you Erica for everything you've done for me & contributed to The Predicates - you're a one of a kind person.



Erica Ann Putis said...

Thank you also. You are so creative and a great musican too. I will really miss playing out with you...


Gregg O'Connell said...

thanks ricuh i'll miss you too :)

Anonymous said...

Gregg, its really nice to hear you serious on your blogs. You sound all grown up which leaves a great tone. For the small time ive known you ive come to realize your a special cat. Dont let the band break up spoil your drive to be unique in your own way. Your true friends will always be there so theres no reason to be scared of anything. San Diego showing you all of your good qualities with the bad and will, with out a doubt, make you a better person.

Gregg O'Connell said...

i wish the anonymous people would show their faces mor eoften so i don't have ot guess who might have left the do know i have a ton of friends right?!?! and that i absolutely love people from california!?!? haha

but nonetheless thank you for the kind words mr/mrs. anonymous :)

Gregg O'Connell said...

you can play the skin flute

Gregg O'Connell said...

did you know the skin flute was played by the confedrate soldiers during the civil war.