Monday, November 07, 2005

Herpes is in my Future?

First off let me say I'm sorry to all my gay guy fans that my weekend audio update isn't up yet. The company that I do it through (AudioBlogger) has been down since yesterday and is still down! I will have it up though as soon as they get their fat asses to work!!!

Dude this is funny shit! I sent an email with my photo attached to my friend. I didn't write anything in the body of the email. The way Gmail works with ads is whatever is written in the email it takes certain keywords from the email and puts ads over to the right of the page. Well I didn't write ANYTHING except for what the program I used to send the photo puts in there which just basically says this photo was sent with Picasa. The only thing in the subject is this "a picture for you" So I don't know if Gmail can tell the future but in the ads to the right of the page is an ad for "Herpes Picture"
Do they really think/know I'm going to get Herpes? Scary shit! Thank God I'm celebate and only have sex with virgins!



Anonymous said...

I still think you have lawsuit material, I mean, what if you were a minor? Or a conservative Republican? thx 4 updating the pic

Gregg O'Connell said...

i am a minor in my head...can i still sue?