Thursday, November 10, 2005

To Be Single Or Not To Be Single?

I've been single for a while now. I mean I live with Erica and have since we broke up which was basically when we first got out here. I've lived with Erica since May 2002 so we're going on living together for 4 years! It's such a long time now that she actually feels like more than a friend to me. She feels like family to me. She is definitely my family along with Stowie & Herbie out here in California. We're like one weird little human/animal family! Erica is the mom who worries about everything, I'm the lazy teenager who just wants to go on the internet and play video games, Herbie is the sappy sensitive artistic son & Stowie is the bully who picks on Herbie.

I've dated a few girls since I've broken up with Erica. The girls are generally nice, pretty & smart but they never seem to want what I want. They are either too heavily into partying, into their career, hanging out with friends, too young, too old, too religious, etc...I'm basically looking for a girl that gives me some of the same chemistry that I have with Erica without the constant bickering she and I go through. Like with Erica she and I generally like all the same things (i.e. music, movies, tv shows, places to go - except bars yuck!) Please Please don't say get back with Erica because that's not what I want or what she wants. We had our time and it was awesome but it's over. I'd love to meet a girl that is the perfect mix of:
Doesn't have so many friends that she doesn't have time for me because I totally need to be the center of attention I'm a fucking needy bitch! haha!
She needs to like good music and not just the shit they play on the radio, she needs to be open minded, DEMOCRAT, pretty, smart, fun, no drugs, doesn't drink too much, eats better than me, doesn't eat too much beef! haha I know it's weird but I have this thing that it grosses me out if a girl eats a lot of beef!
hopefully she exercises but isn't obsessed with it, and lastly lets me be who I am and lets me say what's on my mind without getting bent! Too many girls I meet lately are all about stopping me from swearing! What the FUCK IS THAT ABOUT!??!? FUCK FUCK FUCK SHIT SHIT SHIT!

: )

Thanks for reading my bullshit you guys are the best ever! I Fucking love each of you separately for all the good traits you have and the bad genes you inherited!


Does anybody watch Run's House on MTV? I totally dig it! Who's House? Run's House!!! My favorite person in the family is Russy he's got a lower voice than me and he's like 7 years old! haha


Anonymous said...

Those girls don't exist Gregg.

/pets your ego

Gregg O'Connell said...

Darlisha: I'll probably stay single until one of the MTV dating shows finds me a girlfriend!

Esther: These girls do exist but probably only in Europe or Canada!

Anonymous said...

According to your requirements, what you want is a 15 year old girl.

Gregg O'Connell said...

nooooooo that's way too young! I need like a 75 year old woman!

Gregg O'Connell said...

well I guess we aren't getting married anytime soon unless the only beef you eat is mine!

Erica Ann Putis said...

That was a nice entry. Thankyou. And that was a funny comment from the tipsychicks...
