Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Glorifying The "G's" in Gregg

Checkout this photo that Maggie Woodley from Toronto, Canada drew of me (Gregg Drawing) I freakin' love it! I've never had anyone draw me! That'd be phat if it were in color!!! =)
But it's still lovely nonetheless.

Download a voicemail Ken from San Diego left me!
He literally runs through every letter in my name and gives
an adjective to describe me! This guy is nuts!!!
Good Shit and its weird!
Download Here

Good Day!


Anonymous said...


Gregg O'Connell said...

yea she does!!!
she rules CANADA!!!

Anonymous said...

How long did it take her to do the shading on your upper lip?

Gregg O'Connell said...

tipsy: i'm a sketchy person that's probably why...

anonymous: it took her 3 days to do my upper lip!!! crazy huh?!?!?