Thursday, November 17, 2005

How Gay Is Gregg?

I know a bunch of you think, thought or predict I am/will be gay someday and you're probably seeking some kind of percentage/mathematical way to figure just how gay I really am! Well there is a website that has finally figured out the math equation to this and by all accounts it may be right on the money! First off you can take the test yourself here

This test pushes your gay tendencies to the limit. It asks everything from if you liked being the cowboy or the Indian when playing cowboys and Indians as kids to if you think you masturbate too much (who the hell would say they masturbate too much?!?!?)

I scored a 56%! I'm right in the middle..Aren't you slightly surprised and shocked?!??!
I was, I thought I'd be like 75% or something not a lowly 56%. I may take it over so I can get a better score.

View the photo of my score here.

Also view some photos of my bands show @ O'Connell's in San Diego here.

To all my well wishers it's not how old you are when you die it's how you feel when you die!

Gregory Shane O'Connell


Anonymous said...

Ken S is 26 percent gay! This is how gay I am am that is it!

Gregg O'Connell said...

I'm more gay than a gay guy?!?!? haha

Erica Ann Putis said...

Dude, did you see the halo on my head in the picture of us on stage?? Weird. Maybe I'm an angel in disguse...

Gregg O'Connell said...

you love being one of Charlie's Angels!

zdenek55 said...

i scored a 50%

Anonymous said...

that test is only for guys, however if any chicks wanna try, i found this, i'm only 36% lesbian. Not sure if i'm happy or sad about that yet...

Gregg O'Connell said...

zdenek: i'm glad you're as gay as me!

herman: of course we can hook up!