Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Lonely Holidays

For 23 straight years I spent Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family without missing one! Lets rewind back to October 2004 and I begin to HATE the job I have. I kept asking for a raise and I was told I would get one soon but months went on and on until I got fed up and told them I'm quitting in one month and moving to California! So my band at the time and I decide we all are going to move to San Diego, CA! We leave Massachusetts November 15, 2004 thus me missing my first ever major holiday with my family. We got to San Diego on November 21, 2004 which ended up being about a week before Thanksgiving that year.
Thanksgiving 2004 was spent not eating turkey, not with family and in an apartment with basically no furniture. We were hurting big time (Still Are haha!!!) . For Christmas 2004 my mom sent me out an American Express gift card so that I could bring my roommates and I out for a nice X-mas dinner. Well our nice X-mas dinner ended up being 2 Large Pizzas from Papa John's!

Fast forward to 2005 and it's now just Erica and I in the apartment. We've met very few friends out here that have stuck around since day 1. She and I have been thinking about what we are going to do for Thanksgiving and here are our options. Go to Von's (Grocery Store) and have them make us Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings! Go out to a restaurant and be overcharged! or not celebrate the holiday at all? Christmas 2005 is next month and I haven't seen anyone in my immediate family for what's now going to be 2 years of Holidays. I do miss the sights, sounds, tastes, jokes, etc of my family dinners and I do long to move back to New England one day. I do feel on the other hand that this is a great experience being away from what I'm used to and possibly enjoy a major holiday with new friends.

If you'd like to sponsor us for Thanksgiving we are taking food donations in the amount of 6 lbs of white turkey meat, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn, green beans, apple cider, Sprite, cranberry sauce (jellied), apple pie, chocolate chip cookies & whipped cream.

Happy Almost Holidays,


Anonymous said...

Actually there are several people in the same spot at that place you sit for 8 hrs a day, hint hint. I am thinking of having us lost children come together for thxgiv dinner...lemme know, the doggies are welcome to come. Just no dancing, please.

Gregg O'Connell said...

maybe..but you probably only eat the dark meat off the turkey...

Anonymous said...

Damn Gregg you sound so lonely maybe I can keep you company over the holidays. I like only white meat!

Gregg O'Connell said...

white meat tastes and looks so much better don't you agree?!?!