Friday, November 04, 2005

Random Facts & Funnies about this website!

If you search "twisted testicle" on yahoo my website is the 1st one that comes up.

My "Boy Just Wants To Dance" video has been downloaded over 12,000 times!!!

Besides North America the countries that visit my website most often are New Zealand & Australia! Thanks to Steve & the kangaroos!

Since July my websites traffic has increased every single month:
July: 334
August: 599
September: 759
October: 2,042 (Yikes - Thank God for Dancing & Gay Guys!!!)

Busiest Traffic day of the week for my site is Tuesday and the slowest is Saturday. You guys love getting liquored up on the weekends ehhhhh! Busiest hour is from 9pm-10pm - I guess no one watches TV anymore!


Anonymous said...

i believe you were just in my apartment. i was in a robe.

Gregg O'Connell said...

how'd you find me so quick?!?!?

Anonymous said...

i am a skilled internet stalker. also, i googled the predicates and did some clicking around. i am a huge internet dork.

Gregg O'Connell said...

can you find out some info on a girl for me since you're a good stalker? haha

You should download my videos!