Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Today Marks 1 Year Since I Left Massachusetts

I can't believe it's been exactly 1 year since I was last in Massachusetts. I haven't seen my mom, dad, sister or brother in a year either. It's really a strange feeling to go from living 30 minutes away from my family to 3,000 miles! Being that close to my family was always such a nice security blanket to have. If I ever needed anything or freaked out something they were a short car ride away to comfort me. Now I live in a place where I have no family and the only beings I'm truly completely comfortable with are Erica, Herbie & Stowie.

When I left for my journey to California 1 year ago my family had thrown me a going away party. Everyone was there my immediate family, grandmother, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc...Saying goodbye individually to my immediate family was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. My dad was the first to leave the party and when he said goodbye to me he started crying heavily and gave me a quick hug and took off. It took a lot from me to not start balling myself when he started. I started crying big time when I was saying goodbye to my mom, sister and brother. My mom was like "oh sonny I love you so much I'm going to miss you" and she hugged me forever and wouldn't let me go - haha :)
My sister was next to say goodbye and she's always the tough one giving encouragement "Gregg you're going to do awesome out there don't worry". My brother probably made me cry the most but it wasn't when I said goodbye and hugged him it was when Erica and I were driving off and I got a text message on my phone that said "I love you little bro I'm going to miss you & I'm really proud of you" it was one of the nicest coolest things my brother has ever said to me. He acts like such an unaffected person and he likes to keep his sappy feelings inside and him saying that really got me and I'll always remember that moment forever in my life.

I miss so many things about Massachusetts from the people to the food to the seasons to the familiar landscape I can't wait to move back and be with my family on more consistent basis.
I'm glad I did this move cause its helped me overcome a lot of fears of being far away from such a familiar place.

I'm going to post a "California 1 Year Anniversary" post on November 21 which is the day we arrived in San Diego!


P.S. Random photos of right before we left for Cali.


Gregg O'Connell said...

wanna be my babies momma?

Gregg O'Connell said...

the baby would be a moo la toe


you love white schlongs!

Gregg O'Connell said...

well our baby will be conceived in a dunkin donuts ok?!?!

Gregg O'Connell said...

dunkin donuts bathroom - its a deal!