Thursday, June 30, 2005

how to subscribe to my podcast

1. download the newest version of itunes and install it -

2. after you install it - launch itunes - then click "podcasts" on the left menu bar - next click "advanced" at the top - then click "subscribe to podcast" - and the final step either copy and paste or type in this address
click "ok" and you are done.

then everytime you launch itunes it'll automatically download any new episodes i release.

if you have any questions/comments/want to participate just post them here or you can call me on skype at greggoconnell - for more info on skype click here.

My Podcasts for download
December 27, 2005 - Show #11 - tracklisting
September 26, 2005 - Show #10 - tracklisting
September 5, 2005 - Show #9 - tracklisting
August 21, 2005 - Show #8 - tracklisting
August 11, 2005 - Show #7 - tracklisting
August 3, 2005 - Show #6 - tracklisting
July 20, 2005 - Show #5 - tracklisting
July 12, 2005 - Show #4 - tracklisting
July 6, 2005 - Covers Mix - tracklisting
July 1, 2005 - Acoustic Mix - tracklisting
June 26, 2005 - Electropop Mix - tracklisting

make sure to vote for my show here

wicked cool,

dancing at the tavern

dear ladies & gentz,

steve and I headed out last night for a night on garrnet street in pacific beach. our first stop was pb bar and grill but we quickly left after we realized no one was at the bar...we then headed to the bar right next door which i cant remember the name hmmm we stayed there for an hour or so and we talked about what we know best "stocks and currencies" haha. so after a few drinks there and no conversation with the locals we headed up garrnet looking for the next hot spot. we peaked our heads in at big bertha's but it had a long line and seemed "too cool" for us so steve looked across the street and said lets go to "the tavern". we walked right into the tavern and immediately start talking to 3 really cool people; jim (older dude from boston) birka (25 year old sd native) & kelsey (28 year old sd native). birka & kelsey were like the two most down to earth born and raised SD natives i've ever met. they didnt have attitudes and they were pretty - imagine that for sd people! we found out that both of the girls teach elementary school.
it was 80's night at the tavern so they were playing lots of videos, music & the 80's strikes back from vh1. birka (pronounced beer kuh), kelsey, steve & i kept commenting on all things 80's from jellies, pegged pants, milli vanilli, multi colored socks, double dare & more. we then headed to the dance floor - (yes i actually danced). I feel so stupid dancing even though I dance really good like "New Edition" used to. It took a couple of pulls and tugs but birka got me to dance with her and once she did haha we kept elbowing people and stepping on other peoples shoes it was alot of fun. she and i were sweating so bad - like dripping sweat - it was hot =P

i can't get this freakin song out of my head after seeing the band the other night so
please download it and enjoy it with me
the blood arm - can i have your attention


Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Casbah


this evening I attended the blood arm & maximo park show at the casbah.
the lead singer for the blood arm was so nuts. he sang most of the time off stage and in the crowd; kissing and hugging the audience. the headlining band maximo park was ok. the lead singer for this band seemed to try a bit too much. overall the music was pretty good and the show had a ton of energy. I met up for the first time with my new friend joy. I was searching flickr photos and some of her photos came up so I emailed her and we've been talking ever since. joy is a sweet, pretty, short, smart & articulate young woman with a major in english from UCLA. She and I seem to like alot of the same bands which is cool except for elliott smith and aimee mann =P.
here are a few photos from tonight

cheers mate!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

learning how to smile on camera

yo uncles and aunties,

steve, erica & I went out last night to blind melons and here is a video of us to enjoy!

learning how to smile on camera
right click and save as

right click and save as

post some comments...I need to feel you guys =)

Monday, June 27, 2005

you knew me

something i just wrote yesterday about a girl i used to date, and no its not about erica. i think we all kinda know who its about.

you left me in with my laundry
and you said some things that didnt make me happy
so we moved on out of this country
without our families

i made you a cd
with all of my favorite mp3's
you knew me ya you knew me
but you dont know me

we got something
and its wrong
and it breaks up all our love

and it makes me so much better
than when i was by myself
now im leaving now im leaving

i have to make an appointment
to see you doesnt that seem strange
we talk some, we write some
but we are none

Sunday, June 26, 2005

my first podcast

hi sailors and seamen,

i am going to copy the rest of the world and start my own podcast.
what is a podcast you ask well here is a definition
"Podcasting" is making audio files (most commonly in MP3 format) available online in a way that allows software to automatically download the files for listening at the user's convenience.

download it and put it on your mp3 players or listen to it from the comfort of your pc.
podcast 6/26/05 - electropop mix

here is the tracklist
1. kings of convenience - i'd rather dance
2. brazilian girls - don't stop
3. her space holiday - sleepy california
4. flaming lips - ego tripping (remix)
5. daft punk - technologic
6. the postal service - the district sleeps alone (remix)

vote for my show

top 20 photos

dude! the top 20 photos have been going crazy. there are all kinds of new photos in the top 20, and now a NEW #1 !!!

arizona girls and my nose

#1: arizona girls and my nose

i met these girls at open mic at blind melons.

226 views / Nobody counts arizona girls and my nose as a favorite / 0 comments


#2: boobville

my friend jill from jr high is on the left with her friends showing their boobs off

116 views / Nobody counts boobville as a favorite / 1 comment

arizona girls and gregg

#3: arizona girls and gregg

arizona girls and me at blind melons..they were making fun of my underwear

101 views / Nobody counts arizona girls and gregg as a favorite / 0 comments


#4: P1010057

me giving "brian" some "love"

97 views / Nobody counts P1010057 as a favorite / 0 comments

lissa - my special friend from sd

#5: lissa - my special friend from sd

she's panamasian

95 views / Nobody counts lissa - my special friend from sd as a favorite / 0 comments

Erica ex gf

#6: Erica ex gf

i dated her from 2002-2004

94 views / Nobody counts Erica ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

Isa my ex gf

#7: Isa my ex gf

i dated her from 1996-1998

71 views / Nobody counts Isa my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

Meg my ex gf

#8: Meg my ex gf

I dated her for 2 months in 2004

60 views / Nobody counts Meg my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

Jessie my ex gf

#9: Jessie my ex gf

i dated here from 1998-2001

56 views / Nobody counts Jessie my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

Erin my ex gf

#10: Erin my ex gf

i dated her for like 2 months in 2001

53 views / Nobody counts Erin my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

beast man

#11: beast man

a half nude zdenek

52 views / Nobody counts beast man as a favorite / 0 comments

friends in sd

#12: friends in sd

couple boston peeps in zdenek

44 views / Nobody counts friends in sd as a favorite / 0 comments

steve @ lauries

#13: steve @ lauries

steve drinking miller lite at lauries

43 views / Nobody counts steve @ lauries as a favorite / 0 comments

erica's pretty hair

#14: erica's pretty hair

erica my ex-gf/best friend/roomate/bandmate

37 views / Nobody counts erica's pretty hair as a favorite / 0 comments

mike erica and laurie

#15: mike erica and laurie

mike erica and laurie smiling

37 views / Nobody counts mike erica and laurie as a favorite / 0 comments

steve and gregg

#16: steve and gregg

steve and me in my car after the bar in ocean beach

36 views / Nobody counts steve and gregg as a favorite / 0 comments

gregg and erica @ lauries

#17: gregg and erica @ lauries

looking like good friends

36 views / Nobody counts gregg and erica @ lauries as a favorite / 0 comments

steve lounging

#18: steve lounging

steve laying on my couch in my apartment

33 views / Nobody counts steve lounging as a favorite / 0 comments


#19: P1010065

"brian" and I in the mountains

31 views / Nobody counts P1010065 as a favorite / 0 comments

my sis and her hubbie

#20: my sis and her hubbie

xmas time kisses

29 views / Nobody counts my sis and her hubbie as a favorite / 0 comments

Thursday, June 23, 2005

a day at sea world

hello pretty face,

you know i don't stop. i don't have a job but i keep on riding the train. my cousin paid my way into sea world..he's such a nice boy. here is a link to photos from today.
sea world started off boring but it ended up being super fun. the best things by far were the haunted cinema: it was a 3D haunted movie with air and water that squirted us. the rapid water ride was fun and we got wicked wet...we were on it with two girls from England and another from san diego. we saw dog/cat/bird/pig show...the cats were mad talented. i never knew cats could take direction or be trained so well. i got sunburned!!! i definitely recommend sea world to anyone that hasn't been.

holla back atcha boy,

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

a day at the park

hello special somebody,

my cousin kevin and his friend justin or as i call him "brian" arrived in san diego last night. we went for mexican and hot dogs last night, its a really good combo definitely try it. after we ate we went to a video game cafe. we played battlefield 2 and counterstrike. today we went to balboa park and went to the museums. we went to the natural history museum & japanese friendship garden. checkout the photos of todays events
at the friendship garden i paid $3 to get in and as she gave me my ticket she also gave me my $3 back haha so i kept it...kinda weird huh?

see you later,

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Kumquats - edit

i edited the video. some of you were having trouble downloading it/playing it - so try again

enjoy this video of steve and I playing acoustic last night at blind melons.
it's 53mb

right click the photo and "save link as"
or right click this link and "save link as"

I look like a high school wrestler

dear grass stained jeans,

yesterday was an interesting day. i stayed in until steve woke up @ noon. we then went to drop his rental car off downtown. we went to the gym in point loma where he got a 6 week membership for $29. after the gym we headed back to my house for some cuddling and kissing (haha) i mean i took a nap and he played guitar. when erica got home we headed over to steve's sisters house laurie. she lives with her boyfriend mike in ocean beach. mike grilled up some mexican chicken and we had burritos, it was really good. we even had organic sour cream - beat that!
after we ate we all played this modified game of horseshoes. you throw these circlular medal things into these holes in a board and you get 1, 3 or 5 points. mike and laurie are the best i've ever seen at this game. (haha i've never seen this game before)
steve, erica & I then headed to blind melons in pb for open mic. we were there for a while when i look to my side at the bar and there is these 3 girls next to me. i feel one of them tap me on the back and they start laughing and i'm like oh its my underwear huh..and they are like yeah its totally sticking out from your jeans. i had plaid boxers - thats basically all i own. anyways that was a good ice breaker - so we started chatting up and i found out that they were in san diego for their friends "21st" birthday. they are from phoenix, arizona and were only in town for basically 2 days and 1 night. they were cool - but the open mic was running far behind and erica had to work today so she asked me to drive her home and i did. when i came back the girls were gone. the night was not over though - steve and i still had to play our set. steve was mad drunk but played really well. we videotaped our set so i'll have it online later this week.

oh ya the reason for the title "i look like a high school wrestler" b/c "stacy" one of the girls from arizona asked what kind of kid i was in high school..and i was having a tough time finding the words for "grunge nirvana wannabee" so she said and was serious "i bet you were on the wrestling team - you look like you were" haha i was like really? do you guys think i have the body of a high school wrestler? i mean i have been going the gym now for 1 month and taking vitamins for 2 weeks.

here are some photos of the night - AZ girls & gregg, gregg n erica, steve drunk, erica & friends - you gotta look at all of them!!!
photo 1
photo 2
photo 3
photo 4
photo 5

nice meeting you,

Sunday, June 19, 2005

the united states of new zealand

dear pastor,

steve arrived today and in grand fashion. he told me he would be arriving at 3:30pm in LA and he'd get to san diego at 5:30. I get a call at like 2:45pm from some weird #. I answer the phone and its steve, "gregg i'm in pb @ pb bar and grill"...."sure steve"..."no gregg seriously i am talk to this girl" haha he then puts the girl the let him use her cellphone on the line and she tells me he is at pb bar and grill. i'm like ok steve i'll be there shortly i just need to shower. i got to pb bar and grill at 3:15 and we promptly leave and head back to my house. he makes some phone calls to tell his family he has arrived safely and is chillin at my house. he took a nap and we waited til erica got home at 7pm. we then headed to black angus in point loma. steve's brother met up with us. we ate and then headed to tommy's (steve's brother) rehearsal studio in point loma. after all of that steve, erica, and I went to a bar in ocean beach. we had a few drinks and headed home at 11:15pm.

here are a few photos from today
photo 1
photo 2
photo 3

here is a photo of zdeneks parents
z's parents

steve, erica and I have a couple activities planned this week. we are going to hit up a casino, then steve and I will make a pit stop this week at one of the many strip clubs in point loma..i've been to one strip club ever and it was a different experience...its strange to be able to look at a woman and not have to hide it, it took some getting used to.

happy fathers day,

Saturday, June 18, 2005

playing blackjack with gregg


check out the top 100 "sweatiest" american cities - boston and san diego are right next to each other who woulda thought!

click the color not the word - the best i got and i tried it 3 times is 4. what about you?

military draft info - all the misconceptions and truths. really informative - i am almost too old now to get drafted only 9 more months thank god!


Friday, June 17, 2005

they don't love you like i love you

hello xylitol fans,

download ted leo's cover of "since you've been gone" by kelly clarkson, also mixed into the song is maps by yeah yeah yeahs - ted leo - since you've been gone
(courtesy of

i won't find out until monday if i have a job or not, they say i am the frontrunner right now.

steve gets here this sunday @ 5pm he said. he may stay in LA for the night but if he doesnt we will for sure be hanging out and kissing and stuff wink wink! haha

i've been adding a few new features over the past few days to my webbie...i added some ads so whenever you visit my site be sure to give the ads a click so i can make some loot. below the ads on the right hand side i put 3 random photos that will change everytime you visit/refresh my website from my photos page. last but not least i've added my videos. my buddy zdenek's videos are the funniest - he may well be the funniest person i've ever had in my life.

i was thinking of starting a project called the 365 faces of gregg. the idea is to take 1 photo every day for 365 days straight and post them everyday or almost everyday on my website and compare the aging process/weight gain/loss...awesome idea huh? i'll then sell it as a book of photos at borders!

living in your letters,
gregory shane o'connell

Thursday, June 16, 2005

the last great human

hi mr. mrs. & ms.,

i received a letter from a girl i used to be good friends with when i was 21. she sent me an $8 check to buy my bands new cd which we will ship out to her this week. she also included a letter and a cd of stuff i wrote/recorded when i was 21. the letter just informed me of what she has going on her life right now. she is definitely going to heaven..listen to this..she helps mentally and physically challenged kids and teens. she speaks many languages including sign language. on saturdays she volunters at a bird shelter for free. i know if i had alot of money i would donate to non-kill animal shelters. i bet you are saying "gregg why don't donate some of your free time to these shelters now..." good question...the answer is i am lazy and i'd rather donate money. plus i have two dogs at home i need father =P
the cd she sent had 30 songs i mostly wrote...a couple on there zdenek helped me write. almost all of the songs are really bad. as a songwriter i feel like i've grown leaps and lyrics were more cliche then they are now and the songs are just pretty boring....thank god for practice, time & erica.

i should be finding out today if i get a job i interviewed for. exciting huh? i'm wicked excited! haha

dave saw the pixies last night..word is they played a pretty good show.
dave's mommy sent me his key to our apartment and two tickets to the red sox vs angels for saturday august 20.

prepping my preppyness,

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

my videos (stream away)

z gets interviewed by gregg

the 1000 faces of zdenek (funny shiznit)

z and gregg on the news

me auditioning for techtv

the pirate movie joke

singing backstreet boys

Dancing with some hoochie

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

a million reasons

good day mate,

i went to bed at midnight last night and woke up at 8:30am. i'm starting to bore myself writing in my blog (haha). My blog actually gives me a sense of meaning in this crazy world called california. california is strange. before i got here i thought it would be very laid back, liberal, hot, the most beautiful place ever & full of pretty girls. i think its just san diego but san diego seems to be very conservative, very right wing. there are alotta GW lovers and i'm not talking about george washington or genital warts. the weather is usually never ever seems to always be 65-70 degrees all year round. san diego is pretty but it doesnt knock my socks off the way new jersey might. all the pretty girls seem to only go to the gym and home. almost every girl i see at the gym that is pretty have these big fake boobs..when are they coming out with penis extentions?

i watched a reality show last night called "hells kitchen" man its kinda funny and aggravating. the head chef/host guy is such a prick. i want to tell the guy off and throw cold water all over make him cold! i guess thats what makes the show so interesting is him being such a prick.

my top 5 shows right now in no order.

1. american dad
2. family guy
3. cuts
4. queer eye for the straight guy
5. the barkers

check my eyelids for holes,

Monday, June 13, 2005

you're so awesome

some much needed entertainment news

*photos of rebecca romijn with her new man

*mj is acquitted

*destinys child calls it quits

end of news

my boy zdenek janda has finally joined the 2000's and purchased a 30gb ipod photo

dave "hermanthegreat" tuetken is still working and living in natick, ma - big hand for dave!

signup for my fantasy football league
we always have a good group of hot guys playing.

checkout erica's photos from her wild night of fashion @ val's house.

everything is everything,

Sunday, June 12, 2005

swallowed in the sea

hi (fill in the blank),

i am really digging the new gorillaz song "feel good inc" definitely download it off itunes. i'm also really enjoying the new foo fighters album - it's actually two albums one acoustic and one electric. i've only been listening to the acoustic one. it has alot of slow nice songs on it. there is one with norah jones called "virginia moon" very soft and jazzy/very un-foo like. my other favs on it are "on the mend" "miracle" i've also been listening a bit to the new coldplay album "x&y" my favorite songs off it so far is "what if" "til kingdom come" "white shadows" & "swallowed in the sea"

facts and figures
*i was peeing and trying to clean my ears with a cutip and i dropped the whole cutip container in the toilet (haha) so if you clean your ears at my house they smell like pee.
*i've been getting my heart rate up to 148 at the gym
*erica turned 28 on june 12
*i'm still unemployed =)
*i watched the history channel all day today (i learned alot about rome and how good @ engineering they were)

hiding from society,

Saturday, June 11, 2005

at will

if it makes you less sad i'll move out of the state.
mentally its almost time for a breakdown. i'm beginning to let my mind get the best of me. i started taking vitamins last week. i bought strawberries, raspberries, bananas & green beans at the "market" (shoutout to lissa) yesterday evening.

i'm trying to sell my song "taco bell" that i wrote with my friend zdenek janda
to taco bell. i sent them an email saying i wrote a song that i'd like to present to them. they called me yesterday at around 5pm and gave me the marketing departments phone #. i called the marketing department and they said to mail the cd to the address they gave me. i am going to mail it this week. at worst i will have a written response from them saying yes or no 6-8 weeks later.

my friend michelle from the job i got fired from just got fired too except she basically got fired for no reason it seems. the world works in mysterious ways. you gotta love "at will employment"
the company wins and the employee always loses.

i'm ready for a change in life. maybe i'll drop the whole technology fetish i have of having the need for all the latest gizmos & gadgets. i may be ready to live a simple life of music and solitary confinement to my bedroom. i'll break the mold that i've been building for 25 years and start new. i'm trying to become as pure as possible. no drugs, no alcohol, no caffeine, no smoking...i just need to ween myself off the last bit of fast food that infiltrates my system every so often...i exercise, i take vitamins, i eat fruit now (since yesterday =) )
drop my chemical dependency of needing a woman around me at all times to take care of me.
i need excellent performance and reliability from myself.

somethings missing.
and i miss it.

Friday, June 10, 2005

top 20 photos

holding strong is lissa's photo but climbing the charts is boobville...don't forget to checkout the new zoo photos under "my photos"

lissa - my special friend from sd

#1: lissa - my special friend from sd

she's panamasian

80 views / Nobody counts lissa - my special friend from sd as a favorite / 0 comments

Isa my ex gf

#2: Isa my ex gf

i dated her from 1996-1998

42 views / Nobody counts Isa my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

friends in sd

#3: friends in sd

couple boston peeps in zdenek

36 views / Nobody counts friends in sd as a favorite / 0 comments

beast man

#4: beast man

a half nude zdenek

35 views / Nobody counts beast man as a favorite / 0 comments

Meg my ex gf

#5: Meg my ex gf

I dated her for 2 months in 2004

35 views / Nobody counts Meg my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

Erin my ex gf

#6: Erin my ex gf

i dated her for like 2 months in 2001

32 views / Nobody counts Erin my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

Erica ex gf

#7: Erica ex gf

i dated here from 2002-2004

31 views / Nobody counts Erica ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments


#8: boobville

my friend jill from jr high is on the left with her friends

28 views / Nobody counts boobville as a favorite / 1 comment

Jessie my ex gf

#9: Jessie my ex gf

i dated here from 1998-2001

27 views / Nobody counts Jessie my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

my sis and her hubbie

#10: my sis and her hubbie

xmas time kisses

25 views / Nobody counts my sis and her hubbie as a favorite / 0 comments

erica's pretty hair

#11: erica's pretty hair

erica my ex-gf/best friend/roomate/bandmate

24 views / Nobody counts erica's pretty hair as a favorite / 0 comments

hippie love

#12: hippie love

hazelgoods hippie love music

21 views / Nobody counts hippie love as a favorite / 0 comments

my dream girl

#13: my dream girl

hot so f'n hot

21 views / Nobody counts my dream girl as a favorite / 0 comments

herbie @ 8 weeks

#14: herbie @ 8 weeks

the first day i had herbie

20 views / Nobody counts herbie @ 8 weeks as a favorite / 0 comments

my adopted daughter

#15: my adopted daughter

my adopted daughter from europe

19 views / Nobody counts my adopted daughter as a favorite / 0 comments

michelle from sd by way of chi-town

#16: michelle from sd by way of chi-town

hip hopper

18 views / Nobody counts michelle from sd by way of chi-town as a favorite / 0 comments

my bro and evan

#17: my bro and evan

my brother and my sisters son evan

18 views / Nobody counts my bro and evan as a favorite / 0 comments

z blowing mister man

#18: z blowing mister man

at work

16 views / Nobody counts z blowing mister man as a favorite / 0 comments


#19: brothers

charles in charge's brother and son

15 views / Nobody counts brothers as a favorite / 0 comments

me and dave @ petco park

#20: me and dave @ petco park

dave and i's first time at petco park in SD

15 views / Nobody counts me and dave @ petco park as a favorite / 0 comments