Sunday, June 19, 2005

the united states of new zealand

dear pastor,

steve arrived today and in grand fashion. he told me he would be arriving at 3:30pm in LA and he'd get to san diego at 5:30. I get a call at like 2:45pm from some weird #. I answer the phone and its steve, "gregg i'm in pb @ pb bar and grill"...."sure steve"..."no gregg seriously i am talk to this girl" haha he then puts the girl the let him use her cellphone on the line and she tells me he is at pb bar and grill. i'm like ok steve i'll be there shortly i just need to shower. i got to pb bar and grill at 3:15 and we promptly leave and head back to my house. he makes some phone calls to tell his family he has arrived safely and is chillin at my house. he took a nap and we waited til erica got home at 7pm. we then headed to black angus in point loma. steve's brother met up with us. we ate and then headed to tommy's (steve's brother) rehearsal studio in point loma. after all of that steve, erica, and I went to a bar in ocean beach. we had a few drinks and headed home at 11:15pm.

here are a few photos from today
photo 1
photo 2
photo 3

here is a photo of zdeneks parents
z's parents

steve, erica and I have a couple activities planned this week. we are going to hit up a casino, then steve and I will make a pit stop this week at one of the many strip clubs in point loma..i've been to one strip club ever and it was a different experience...its strange to be able to look at a woman and not have to hide it, it took some getting used to.

happy fathers day,

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