Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I look like a high school wrestler

dear grass stained jeans,

yesterday was an interesting day. i stayed in until steve woke up @ noon. we then went to drop his rental car off downtown. we went to the gym in point loma where he got a 6 week membership for $29. after the gym we headed back to my house for some cuddling and kissing (haha) i mean i took a nap and he played guitar. when erica got home we headed over to steve's sisters house laurie. she lives with her boyfriend mike in ocean beach. mike grilled up some mexican chicken and we had burritos, it was really good. we even had organic sour cream - beat that!
after we ate we all played this modified game of horseshoes. you throw these circlular medal things into these holes in a board and you get 1, 3 or 5 points. mike and laurie are the best i've ever seen at this game. (haha i've never seen this game before)
steve, erica & I then headed to blind melons in pb for open mic. we were there for a while when i look to my side at the bar and there is these 3 girls next to me. i feel one of them tap me on the back and they start laughing and i'm like oh its my underwear huh..and they are like yeah its totally sticking out from your jeans. i had plaid boxers - thats basically all i own. anyways that was a good ice breaker - so we started chatting up and i found out that they were in san diego for their friends "21st" birthday. they are from phoenix, arizona and were only in town for basically 2 days and 1 night. they were cool - but the open mic was running far behind and erica had to work today so she asked me to drive her home and i did. when i came back the girls were gone. the night was not over though - steve and i still had to play our set. steve was mad drunk but played really well. we videotaped our set so i'll have it online later this week.

oh ya the reason for the title "i look like a high school wrestler" b/c "stacy" one of the girls from arizona asked what kind of kid i was in high school..and i was having a tough time finding the words for "grunge nirvana wannabee" so she said and was serious "i bet you were on the wrestling team - you look like you were" haha i was like really? do you guys think i have the body of a high school wrestler? i mean i have been going the gym now for 1 month and taking vitamins for 2 weeks.

here are some photos of the night - AZ girls & gregg, gregg n erica, steve drunk, erica & friends - you gotta look at all of them!!!
photo 1
photo 2
photo 3
photo 4
photo 5

nice meeting you,

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