Thursday, June 30, 2005

dancing at the tavern

dear ladies & gentz,

steve and I headed out last night for a night on garrnet street in pacific beach. our first stop was pb bar and grill but we quickly left after we realized no one was at the bar...we then headed to the bar right next door which i cant remember the name hmmm we stayed there for an hour or so and we talked about what we know best "stocks and currencies" haha. so after a few drinks there and no conversation with the locals we headed up garrnet looking for the next hot spot. we peaked our heads in at big bertha's but it had a long line and seemed "too cool" for us so steve looked across the street and said lets go to "the tavern". we walked right into the tavern and immediately start talking to 3 really cool people; jim (older dude from boston) birka (25 year old sd native) & kelsey (28 year old sd native). birka & kelsey were like the two most down to earth born and raised SD natives i've ever met. they didnt have attitudes and they were pretty - imagine that for sd people! we found out that both of the girls teach elementary school.
it was 80's night at the tavern so they were playing lots of videos, music & the 80's strikes back from vh1. birka (pronounced beer kuh), kelsey, steve & i kept commenting on all things 80's from jellies, pegged pants, milli vanilli, multi colored socks, double dare & more. we then headed to the dance floor - (yes i actually danced). I feel so stupid dancing even though I dance really good like "New Edition" used to. It took a couple of pulls and tugs but birka got me to dance with her and once she did haha we kept elbowing people and stepping on other peoples shoes it was alot of fun. she and i were sweating so bad - like dripping sweat - it was hot =P

i can't get this freakin song out of my head after seeing the band the other night so
please download it and enjoy it with me
the blood arm - can i have your attention


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