Saturday, June 04, 2005

Pancho Villa

dude its late right now!

1:17am i'm never up this late. the night in a breakdown of war and words. i got off work at 5pm and i proceeded to follow michelle for our schedule 1 month in advance dinner @ seau's. we arrived at seau's at about 5:45pm...i was impressed with the overall atmosphere of seau's...alot of tv's, music was ok, waitstaff was good looking, clean bathrooms, food was ok...michelle and i had a great time. i really have alot in common with her in regards to entertainment (i.e. movies and music) we also feel the same way about people. it probably doesnt hurt that she is the same sign as me..or at least i think she is..haha
we got mozzarella sticks and sprites for appetizers. my entree was the southwestern meatloaf with mashed potatoes and she got the lobster stuffed ravoli. she told me a funny story..i was like would the name "entree" for a kid be funny and she tells me this story of a dude that named his kids after drinks "hennessey" "cavauseay" (sp?) and i can't remember the other was probably "bud"
after dinner i headed home and played on the computer and watched "prom night" on mtv. at about 9:00pm i headed to the gym. i did 15 mins on the treadmill and 15 mins on the bike..burned 180 calories - holla atcha boy! after the gym i called my friend i work with jenny to see what she was doing. she said they were at a country bar called "in cahoots" i was like ok well let me take a shower and i'll call you. i get home take a shower, bring the dogs to go pee and head out. i get to the bar at like 10:40 i believe...i get to the door and the bouncer is like you can't come in b/c you have flipflops on..haha and even if you had regular shoes you have to tuck in your tshirt..i was like this is so gay..and i'm pretty gay...anyways i call jenny and tell her i can't come in so she comes out with her friends and i ended up talking to them for 20 mins or so and i leave....on my drive home i call everyone i know that i can call in san diego that wouldnt get mad...i call lissa, crystal & becky...becky picks up and is like what are you doing and i'm like nothing im just chillin going home from in cahoots...we made fun of in cahoots for like 4 seconds and then i was like you wanna hang for a bit so she said sure come over and chill...before i got to far with this i met becky on myspace. she is originally from kansas..we hung out one time in february and none since then...i got to her house in ob and we sat on the porch and just talked about everything from music to love to life...i left at like 1:00am and now here i am...writing in my blog....erica is still out with her friend from work.i hope she doesnt get too drunk..she usually never does...

i'm not going to bed's 1:34am..i'm going to watch some tele and talk to herbie.

have a good night darling.



Anonymous said...

i think those late night calls were more like booty calls. :)

Anonymous said...

hey tell us about the waitress from seau's. i heard she has nice legs.