Tuesday, June 07, 2005

corporate america

hello friends,

well today was like any other day at work, boring and unexciting. i got in at 8:00 am - went to lunch at noon and watched "all the real girls" with lissa. at about 3:30 pm i get an email from my boss..and this is how she writes every email haha just like this "MEET ME IN THE UPSTAIRS CONFERENCE ROOM ASAP" every email is always in caps as if she is yelling...i love it. i know what is coming with this email and our one on one meeting upstairs. i had this feeling before hand that she was going to email me or call me into a meeting. so we are in the meeting and she says:
you seem to have regressed in your progress for this job..you were doing well now you just keep making the same mistake and asking too many questions...she asks if something has been going on in my head or life..i'm like no...she gives me a written warning...my first written warning..classic i love it! another avenue of life i have been able to live through..you know its not all that bad...haha =)
i guess the real problem is i dont care enough or want to try hard enough for a job i dont give two shits about. plus it doesnt help that she is a bit over the top with her moods..its like one minute she is joking and having fun with the class and then the next minute she is yelling at us for talking or laughing or something else that is ridiculous. i feel like i am in elementary school sometimes with her...

my dilemma now is should i tough it out and try my absolute hardest? should i ask to be moved to another department? should i quit and find a new job? should i move back to massachusetts?

i don't want to move back to massachusetts just yet..if i did i'd feel like i gave up to quick and i know i'd feel depressed...

i like working for the company but i just dont care for my department/manager..so going to another department would be cool but i dunno if my manager would let me or if she would give nothing but bad press to the other managers about me...

i'd hate to quit and find a new job - its such a pain in the ass....its stressful and i'd probably have to go back to temping for a bit which means i'd be making shit for money again...

i could suck it up and try my hardest and stay where i am...this i dont even want to do...i had a bad taste in my mouth before about the job i have but the written warning is just the icing on the cake for me..i'm more unhappy than ever....

something big should happen in the new few days to week so stay tuned...
maybe i'll win the lottery? maybe i'll get fired? maybe i'll get a record deal? maybe i'll be working at wendy's? maybe i'll find out i am a dad?
i dunno what's going to happen exactly but i can feel it in my bones...
you my fans will be the first know..so no worries.

watched and well,

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