Saturday, June 11, 2005

at will

if it makes you less sad i'll move out of the state.
mentally its almost time for a breakdown. i'm beginning to let my mind get the best of me. i started taking vitamins last week. i bought strawberries, raspberries, bananas & green beans at the "market" (shoutout to lissa) yesterday evening.

i'm trying to sell my song "taco bell" that i wrote with my friend zdenek janda
to taco bell. i sent them an email saying i wrote a song that i'd like to present to them. they called me yesterday at around 5pm and gave me the marketing departments phone #. i called the marketing department and they said to mail the cd to the address they gave me. i am going to mail it this week. at worst i will have a written response from them saying yes or no 6-8 weeks later.

my friend michelle from the job i got fired from just got fired too except she basically got fired for no reason it seems. the world works in mysterious ways. you gotta love "at will employment"
the company wins and the employee always loses.

i'm ready for a change in life. maybe i'll drop the whole technology fetish i have of having the need for all the latest gizmos & gadgets. i may be ready to live a simple life of music and solitary confinement to my bedroom. i'll break the mold that i've been building for 25 years and start new. i'm trying to become as pure as possible. no drugs, no alcohol, no caffeine, no smoking...i just need to ween myself off the last bit of fast food that infiltrates my system every so often...i exercise, i take vitamins, i eat fruit now (since yesterday =) )
drop my chemical dependency of needing a woman around me at all times to take care of me.
i need excellent performance and reliability from myself.

somethings missing.
and i miss it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You love greenbeans!