Wednesday, June 08, 2005

how freakin punk rawk is that!?!?!

dear friends,

i told you something "big" would happen...and i didn't let you down..not one bit!
i was officially fired is the story....

as you know i wrote in my blog last night about what happened at work. this morning is going fine not stressful pretty chill and so about 9:15 am i go over to one of our other buildings and i get some info on some invoices i needed help with. i come back to my department @ 9:30 am and my boss comes over to me...."gregg i changed my mind from yesterday" ... haha i am thinking to myself oh she is going to change her mind and get rid of the written warning...haha nope!
"gregg i'm going to have to let you obviously don't like working for me and or in this department"
i'm like ok..."here's your last paycheck"
"please grab your things and leave"
so i got fired for freedom of speech. this girl in hr nicknamed "ben gibbard girl" by me who comes and reads my blog goes and tattle tails on me to my boss...
she's probably like "gregg wrote in his blog about work and its bad!!!"
i'm not mad at "ben gibbard girl" i expect her to be a tattle tail and low life. she sells everyone out she comes in contact with..she's a kiss ass and good at it..
my boss obviously was hurt b/c what i said was the truth in my blog about her...she treats the department like 4th graders, she's the most extreme moody person i've met...she could really use a lesson in "managing" in meetings for instance she would point out things people do wrong in the dept in front of everyone else...ya thats cool hah! you do that in private not public.

i made a few good friends at the job and i will for sure stay in touch with them.

fighting the good fight,


Anonymous said...

FYI- "Ben Gibbard girl" is niether of Latin, African, or Panamasian descent. You do the math!

-Deep Throat

Gregg O'Connell said...

dear deep throat,

what the fuck are you talking about? explain in all your manlyhood...
i'm bad at the please bare with me...

love gregg

Erica Ann Putis said...

You love drama... And acting like a rockstar at work... Owwwwwwwww!!! We should all be so lucky to not have to work tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

That is seriously dick. You unfortunately have to watch what you write in blogs/online journals, I too have been burned by being a little too honest with them. =\
-Dave's friend joe