Diggnation is an internet videocast that broadcasts a weekly show based on the most dugg stories and interesting stories for the week on
digg.com. You can subscribe to the show via itunes by
clicking here. The show is cohosted by Digg founder,
Kevin Rose, previously the host on the popular technology cable channel G4TV, and
Alex Albrecht, who also hosted on G4TV.
Most shows are taped at Alex's Los Angeles, CA apartment or Kevin's San Francisco, CA apartment. Once in a while they do a live show from a bar, usually in the Bay Area.
Well, guess who the lucky boy was this time? Yes, the G to the R to the E double G! To celebrate
Comic Con, they decided to come down tand tape a live show here in San Diego.
Like the true nerd I am, I arrived at La Jolla Brew House at the healthy time of 4:30 pm for a 7:00 pm show. I was the first Diggnation fan to arrive there. They started to let us into the back room for the show a little after 7:00 pm. The room quickly filled up with almost 200 people. They said this was the biggest turnout they ever had.
They were having audio problems so the show didn't start until about 8:30 pm. The crowd was pretty psyched up as they threw
Diggnation shirts into the crowd and it was definitely one of the most exciting times of my life. Special guests in the audience were
Martin Sargent who was acting like his usual"drunk guy" self, some chick from
Suicide Girls who was wearing a sexy little dress with tall socks (is she dating Kevin Rose?), Alex's grandparents, his aunt, and his uncle who looks exactly like Alex but if he were a hippy with long gray hair.
The beers of choice were Dos Equis & a local brew. They must've downed like, 3 or 4 shots each and drank probably 4 beers each. They didn't really seem drunk.
Some of the stories they talked about were the dude that was offering $1,000 per month to the top digg users to post on his website instead of digg. How Yahoo is now selling some non-DRM tracks for $1.99/track.
Alex is very funny live and feeds off the crowd very well. He's very quick witted and often overshadows Kevin. Kevin's definitely a good sidekick for Alex. Alex definitely carries the show and seems more natural then Kevin. I felt like Kevin was acting and forcing it a little bit in beginning of the show probably because he wasn't warmed up yet. They both have really good energy and great sense of humor. They are very entertaining and should definitely have their own show on TV. They are cult icons for the geeks of the world. Alex is the nerdy pop culture geek and Kevin is the indie underground geek.
The crowd was mostly composed of guys in their late 20's to mid 30's. There were more girls there than I expected. The white girls that were there were with their boyfriends and the Asian girls were with their Asian girlfriends. A couple of kids were there as well.
I was completely shocked at the turnout. I thought there would be like 20 or 30 people but when I turned around and saw almost 200 people in a room as big as a large living room my jaw dropped. The crowd was awesome. One dude was holding his baby up in the air with a Diggnation shirt on him.
Diggnation is one of the most popular podcasts on the internet and they should definitely do more live shows. I had a great time even though the girl next to me was drunk and mad annoying. She wouldn't shut the fuck up. Plus she had an ass the size of a 1980's Cadillac and would stick it in my face everytime she stood up. ewwww you love huge ass in your face!
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