Monday, July 31, 2006

Fatter but Happier

I've always gained and lost wait my entire adult life. I fluctuate from 170-200 with ease. 170 is definitely my fighting weight. I haven't had any fights but 170 is a weight that definitely maximizes my sexy.

I never really worked out when I lived in Massachusetts. The most exercise I would get would be walking the dogs or humping the bed at night. It wasn't until I moved to San Diego and saw the beautiful bodies and felt the beautiful weather that I was motivated to work out. It's like summer everyday of the year here so it's hard to not feel like doing something that's active.

I joined 24 hour fitness and in my hey day of California living I was going to the gym 6 days a week and not eating fast food. I was at my lowest weight of about 167 lbs. I was sexy, hairless, danced like Lance Bass & was a Rawk God!

After doing the gym thing for like 6 months straight. I started getting bored like I do with most things that aren't my dog, the internet, video games & music. I went into a state of laying around the house, watching reality TV & eating Doritos, drinking soda, eating fast food & oh yeah I met Emily :)

Emily is awesome she totally supports anything I do and she also some very BAD EATING HABITS like me. She loves all the same bad food I do: burgers, pizza, pasta, subs, fries, etc...
We must be the king & queen of eating unhealthy. The thing is she can eat this crap and not gain a pound. Her little Filipino body can taking a beating and still look like it did when she got off the boat. As for me put a 12 inch hot dog in my mouth and I'm all excited I mean fat. :P
White people's gene's suck compared to Asians. We die earlier, we age quicker & we gain weight easier. Asians are God's perfectly created little bodies.

These days I'm running almost 2 miles a day, then walking the dogs after. I'm trying to cut down on soda, fast food & chips. I'm fatter but I'm more happy.


Sunday, July 30, 2006

I Smell Like Glue

I don't smell like glue 24/7 but I guess do when I sweat according to Emily. I can kind of see it well smell the relation of my summertime sweat to glue. The thing is no one ever before Emily said I smell like glue when I sweat.

Is it natural to smell like glue? I looked up the origins of glue and here is what Wikipedia says;
"Historically, glue only refers to protein colloids prepared from animal tissues. The meaning has been extended to any type of glue-like substances that are used to attach one material to another."
Animal tissue? I smell like pieces of animal?!?! haha that's Fuckin' gross!

The summertime swetas me up big time with its warm days & hot strong sun. I can go from taking a cold shower (to kill my erection obviously) to instantly beginning to sweat 5 minutes later. I can mask my armpits with deodorant. As for the rest of my body I only occasionally use cologne (Happy by Clinque) so the glue smell comes off my glistening hot drenched sweaty body. I guess I could get Axe which is a body deodorant spray but it smells like a rip off cologne or musky. Who wants to smell like musk ewwww that's old man smell and I'm only 26. I might as well start using Old Spice as my cologne & Brut as my aftershave.

I'll just wait for the summer to be over. Hell its not so bad its only 55 more days of smelling like glue.

Here's to a Sucker Free Sunday,

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Girlfriend's in Hawaii: Time to Party?

I always get myself into these predicaments where I hangout with my girlfriend so much that I kind of lose touch with my friends. I always do it but don't get me wrong I have a lot of fun with Emily.

Emily is in Hawaii for 10 days for her cousins wedding. This leaves me with 10 days of unadulterated fun right? Well not so much b/c Emily has been my fun for the last 5 months! So I need to RE-LEARN how to be a person again :). For next 10 days I have no one to go to dinner with, movies (thanks but no thanks Bill Miami Vice Sucks!), have naked fun with or any of that stuff!

I'm stuck with myself as my enjoyment. So basically I've been playing video games, sweating on the couch, sweating in my bedroom, running @ night with Herbie, walking Herbie & Stowie & going to work.

I should join some club while she is gone. If I joined a club it would be something totally stupid and nerdy like "Mini-Schnauzer Dog Club of Point Loma" actually! I should start that club. It would probably only consist of Herbie & I but you never know. Maybe Erica would join too since her dog Stowie is half Mini-Schnauzer!

Tomorrow's activities will kill some of the boredom: Seth's birthday cookout in Mission Beach!

with much admiration & support,

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Magic! The Amazing Hovering Leaf (Video)

Watch in amazement as the Mysterious (and often misunderstood) Gregg O'connell suspends a leaf in mid-air. Yes it's true the strapping young man with a devilish charm can also sing, dance and now perform magic tricks as well. You should be envious of his girlfriend...Thanks for visiting
comments are most welcome. If you comment I'll perform magic that's never been seen or heard of before!

Download "The Amazing Hovering Leaf"


Stream it Below


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Loneliness of Eating a Chewy (Video)

Herbie Schnauzenberg (White Mini-Schnauzer) & Stowie Schnoodling (Blackish Mini-Schnoodle) show just how lonely yet EXCITING it can be to eat a chewy.

Herbie Schnauzenberg had very modest beginnings in life. He was born in Lowell, MA and ended up as the last puppy taken from the liter. He was playful yet stubborn. White yet dirty. Strong yet emotional. It wasn't until later in his life he found the pleasure and satisfaction that comes from devouring a chewy.

Stowie Schnoodling is a rare find in being a Schnoodle (half schnauzer/half poodle). He's as sweet as strawberry shortcake and as tough as Mr. T. He doesn't shit from anybody including chewy's!

Download "The Loneliness of Eating a Chewy"


Stream it below

Monday, July 24, 2006

How to Kill a Fly (Video)

Flies are the most aggravating insects around. They're hard to hit & even more hard to kill....Until now!

In my patent How to Kill a Fly video I show you how to kill them and what to use!
Let me say this much it's in the fingers, wrist & hand! Oh and you need to use your wit to out smart those pesky flies!

Download How to Kill a Fly


Stream the video below


P.S. this is the WORST camera work I've ever done!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Girls Got it Made

It's easy living for girls. I am envious of girls! Girls definitely have it made in this life. They can make a living, be taken care of or just get farther in a company by being sexy. They can show some cleavage, wear tight clothing, show some leg and they're made.

Guys don't have this kind of luxury of using sex appeal as a vehicle to success in life. If anything the guy will come off as a pervert. For example I have these mesh shorts. One day I was scrubbing around and was too lazy to take a shower. So as the day went on I got kind of hungry so I decided I'd order a pizza from Papa Johns. Now remember no shower, lazy, mesh shorts, a t-shirt, oh and uhhhh NO UNDERWEAR. So as I am about to go in and get the pizza Emily says "Gregg uhhh look down" I look down and what do I see? I see my Cock-A-Doodle-Do trying to fight out of his mesh imprisonment. No, I wasn't pitching a tent or anything along those lines. My Doodle-Do is just "well sized" so he was just showing a bit. The point of this story is that if I was a girl and my boobs were sticking out a guy would think that was sexy. But if girl saw my little man trying to fight his way outside they'd think I was a nasty perve.

I see it alot in California where girls 10-15 year younger/pretty gals are married/dating these older rich guys ugly dudes with alot of money. Alot of the girls out here are mad shallow. BUT they do get to lead lives of luxury and get all of their materialistic needs met. They don't need to work, they live in nice houses & go on fantastic vacations to places I don't even know!

Shit If I tried to use my sex appeal to not have to work but still have a luxurious life my wife/girlfriend kick my hairy white bum out. Herbie & I would be homeless. The only girls that don't care if you work are the big ugly ones that can't easily get a guy anyway so they'll take anybody that gives'em a little attention or a bite to eat.

Girls can use their sex appeal to get out of traffic tickets, get into clubs free, get free drinks.
Fuck I need to be a girl. Imagine If I tried being all sexy to get out of a traffic ticket. The cop would either bitch slap me or throw cuffs on me and hurt my soft wrists.

Being a girl is the best job in the world!


Saturday, July 22, 2006

Diggnation Live from the La Jolla Brew House

Diggnation is an internet videocast that broadcasts a weekly show based on the most dugg stories and interesting stories for the week on You can subscribe to the show via itunes by clicking here. The show is cohosted by Digg founder, Kevin Rose, previously the host on the popular technology cable channel G4TV, and Alex Albrecht, who also hosted on G4TV.

Most shows are taped at Alex's Los Angeles, CA apartment or Kevin's San Francisco, CA apartment. Once in a while they do a live show from a bar, usually in the Bay Area.

Well, guess who the lucky boy was this time? Yes, the G to the R to the E double G! To celebrate Comic Con, they decided to come down tand tape a live show here in San Diego.

Like the true nerd I am, I arrived at La Jolla Brew House at the healthy time of 4:30 pm for a 7:00 pm show. I was the first Diggnation fan to arrive there. They started to let us into the back room for the show a little after 7:00 pm. The room quickly filled up with almost 200 people. They said this was the biggest turnout they ever had.

They were having audio problems so the show didn't start until about 8:30 pm. The crowd was pretty psyched up as they threw Diggnation shirts into the crowd and it was definitely one of the most exciting times of my life. Special guests in the audience were Martin Sargent who was acting like his usual"drunk guy" self, some chick from Suicide Girls who was wearing a sexy little dress with tall socks (is she dating Kevin Rose?), Alex's grandparents, his aunt, and his uncle who looks exactly like Alex but if he were a hippy with long gray hair.

The beers of choice were Dos Equis & a local brew. They must've downed like, 3 or 4 shots each and drank probably 4 beers each. They didn't really seem drunk.

Some of the stories they talked about were the dude that was offering $1,000 per month to the top digg users to post on his website instead of digg. How Yahoo is now selling some non-DRM tracks for $1.99/track.

Alex is very funny live and feeds off the crowd very well. He's very quick witted and often overshadows Kevin. Kevin's definitely a good sidekick for Alex. Alex definitely carries the show and seems more natural then Kevin. I felt like Kevin was acting and forcing it a little bit in beginning of the show probably because he wasn't warmed up yet. They both have really good energy and great sense of humor. They are very entertaining and should definitely have their own show on TV. They are cult icons for the geeks of the world. Alex is the nerdy pop culture geek and Kevin is the indie underground geek.

The crowd was mostly composed of guys in their late 20's to mid 30's. There were more girls there than I expected. The white girls that were there were with their boyfriends and the Asian girls were with their Asian girlfriends. A couple of kids were there as well.

I was completely shocked at the turnout. I thought there would be like 20 or 30 people but when I turned around and saw almost 200 people in a room as big as a large living room my jaw dropped. The crowd was awesome. One dude was holding his baby up in the air with a Diggnation shirt on him.

Diggnation is one of the most popular podcasts on the internet and they should definitely do more live shows. I had a great time even though the girl next to me was drunk and mad annoying. She wouldn't shut the fuck up. Plus she had an ass the size of a 1980's Cadillac and would stick it in my face everytime she stood up. ewwww you love huge ass in your face!

view my Diggnation photos

Digg this story on Digg


Friday, July 21, 2006

Comic Con 2006

Since I live in San Diego, CA I have the pleasure of being able to easily attend Comic Con. Comic Con is a convention where they have comic books, action figures, video games, people dressed up in costumes, movies, TV shows, etc...

I got two free passes from my buddy George Dixon from work. I brought Emily and once Emily and I got inside I called George and he met up with us. Immediately after walking probably 20-30 feet we saw someone that looks weird/sexy/crazy and thus began snapping photo heaven. I had so much fun posing for photos with sexy girls, goth girls, fat girls, Captain Jack Sparo, Playboy Models, Batman, Superman, Star Wars, Star Trek, Street Fighter...I could go on and on.

The people that dress up get nothing for dressing up except the satisfaction and attention they seek so much in regular life. Well the "sexy girls" get paid but the self made costumed freaks don't.

Probably 97% of the people that I took photos with were really cool about getting their picture taken. The only 2 people I had tiny issues were sexy girls. One was like yeah but make it quick I have somewhere to go and another girl was just like acting real distant when all I did was grope her :P . Nosa she just was kinda bitchy acting.

I would definitely go again next year. I had alot of fun. I wish I had some money so I could buy some of the crazy/interesting things I saw.

So you have until Sunday July 23, 2006 before it closes!!

View my photos of Comic Con 2006


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It's Modern to be Stupid

You don't need a thought to look good. I don't see it much in my daily life of work, my dogs & napping. I do see it alot on TV & in Pacific Beach. It's a lifestyle & it's trendy. It's beautiful girls with blank thoughts, cute purses, big sunglasses, expensive perfume, empty stomachs, fake tans & meathead boyfriends.

I don't understand the attraction of acting stupid. Why would you want to be stupid when being smart is so much hotter! Let's take the cast of Saved by the Bell. Jessie Spano was smart, tall & pretty. She was student body president for Bayside High & Valedictorian of her class. She dated the school jock A.C. Slater. Sure she had some problems with caffeine pills in order to stay up late and finish studying and eventually even passed out. But she persevered & got past those drug problems and eventually went on to greatness with a starring role in Showgirls.

Next we'll take Kelly Kapowski on. She liked talking on the phone, shopping with the girls & flirting with Zach. Kelly was the quintessential "Air Head". She never studied or did good in school. She hooked up with Zach, Slater & Jeff. She was not only an air head but also a hussie.
What did Kelly go onto? 90210 then what?!?! No good movies for her.

Kids the moral of this story is stay in school, become class president, be yourself, don't get addicted to caffeine pills, get 8 hours of sleep/night, date the school jock, & don't watch E! or else you'll think you're too fat and you'll start acting stupid.

Just Listen to me and watch Run's House show on MTV and you'll become something special.
Thank you to Matt Pond PA for the inspiration for this blog entry.


Monday, July 17, 2006

North Carolina Come on and Raise Up!

Just when I start to fall in love with San Diego an opportunity arises! The company I work for is opening an office in the Southeast most likely in North Carolina. They are offering any employees that would like to move that work in operations the opportunity to move with all expenses paid to North Carolina.

The move would be happening mostly likely in early 2007. There are many pro's and con's to staying and moving.

Pro's for North Carolina
*Living in a house with a yard for the same amount or less than I pay here in San Diego
*Closer to Massachusetts - only 800 miles away! I could drive since I'm scared to fly
*4 seasons
*More of an opportunity to advance in the company since their will be less people than in our home office

Pro's for San Diego
the beautiful weather
*the many things to do i.e. tons of restaurants, theme parks, clubs
*the friends I have
*Dog beach/Dog Park
*the eye candy

It's really coming full circle for me. Because before I moved to San Diego one of the places I was considering moving was North Carolina. Now to have the chance to move there for free and live in a house with a yard for cheap money and be closer to my hometown is very tempting.

in need of advice,

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Wellness Dog Food

I'm not healthy in the way I eat. Though I do take a multi-vitamin that contains Lycopene so my colon should be nice and healthy. That doesn't mean I can't feed my dog healthy food. I was fooled by the commercials and never read the back of the packaging of my dogs old food Beneful until one day at the dog groomers when they enlightened me.

I was feeding my dog Beneful by Purina. If you ever look at the back of your dogs/cats food and read the ingredients you'd be shocked at what you find. You'll see Animal by-products which consists of intestines, lungs, spleen, livers, kidneys, brains, blood, bone, stomachs, beaks, feathers, and feet. They can come from "4D" animals that are Dead, Dying, Disabled, or Diseased. Pets should not eat by-products that are not fit for human consumption. You'll see corn which is a filler and adds no value to the pets diet. You'll find Wheat by-products which are cheap fillers derived from the leftovers from human food processing. And wheat is an allergen for many dogs and some cats. You'll also see soy, dairy, artificial preservativess, extra sugar & extra salt. Dogs can't digest soy or dairy as it can block their digestive path. Artificial preservatives can cause cancer, excess sugar can cause diabetes & salt can cause hypertension & kidney stress.

I was referred by Herbie's groomer to get Wellness Dog Food because I asked if she knew of any products to help him with his dry itchy paws. She recommended changing his dog food from the McDonalds like food I was giving him to Wellness. Wellness is an all natural dog food that doesn't contain any of that bad stuff that I wrote about in the last paragraph. It's human grade meats and produce. It's made by a company called Old Mother Hubbard out of Chelmsford, MA. They make all natural cat food and dog food. They make everything from treats to dry food to wet food to Supplements. The price of the food you might think would be ridiculously high but it's only slightly more than the national brand dog foods. I paid $35 for a 15 lb bag of food & box of treats. Plus by feeding your dog/cat healthy food it should prevent illness caused by an unhealthy diet that would require vet visits.

I buy my dogs the green bag of Wellness which is called Super5Mix Lamb. For treats I get them the Wellbar Atlantic Whitefish & Sweet Potato. They actually seem to like this food MORE than their old food Beneful. They almost always eat all or most of the Wellness dog food in one sitting.

All natural food is healthy!
Allows you're pet to live longer and healthier!
Wellness is love!

and I am Gregg O'Connell.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (Review)

Ho Ho Ho it's a Pirates life for me! Before going to see this movie last night I heard a lot of negative comments/reviews from other people that saw it.

Some said "The acting felt forced", "It doesn't get good until the last 45 minutes", "It's not as good as the first one", "I left in the middle of the movie", and other comments I can't bare to say because it just hurts too much.

Now you're probably wondering are these comments true Gregg?!?! Well ok please just finish reading this sentence first and I'll analyze them one by one. :)

Did the acting feel forced? Not at all. Johnny Dep was the same old Jack Sparo & the rest of the cast even the digitized cast were all in the moment.

Does it not get good until the last 45 minutes? No it actually is a pretty steady movie the whole way through. Doesn't have any huge climax or low points.

Is the first movie better? Honestly they felt pretty equal to me. But who am I? I'm just the son of shoe maker and a producer of an MTV reality show.

Should I leave in the middle of the movie? Well since you've probably read the rest of my answers you know how I'll answer this. Fuck yeah you should leave early if someone died in your family, you have a stomach ache or hungry for more popcorn OTHERWISE stay and watch one heck of an above average film!

I find it quite funny and strange as to why films like this & Spiderman make so much money. Is it because of the special effects? The universally known background story? The actors?
It can't be the story because the stories in these movies are very generic/cliche/bland. Don't get me wrong I totally buy into the hype machine of blockbuster movies generally. Though Spiderman totally sucks I would have to say. I'll never pay to see one of the Spiderman's again unless Kirsten Dunst & I start dating. The movie with the best special effects has to be the Harry Potter movies. They look so real! That boy wizard definitely knows not only regular magic but he also know's movie magic!

Should you go see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest? Yes it's an above average film rated a 7 by me on a scale of 1-10. It's a good movie for kids, teens & adults. Cheesy physical humor, nice special effects & good acting.

Some movies to see instead of this that are coming out in the next couple of weeks are:
Monster House
You, Me & Dupree
Clerks 2

Americuuuhhhh Fuck Yeah!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Eating Harry Potter...Jelly Beans (Video)

I thought I was an original. Until I searched You Tube. There are a page of people eating Harry Potter Jelly Beans. I guess my claim to fame on eating them is I am older than anyone that's done it so far!

The Harry Potter Jelly Beans if you don't know have some of the weirdest most disgusting flavors known to man. Boogers, soap, earthworm, dirt, grass, sardine, vomit, etc..

I video taped myself eating 6 of the most disgusting flavors. You get to watch my expression as I eat each mouthwatering jelly bean. As a bonus there is some kickass music in the background. You may know what it is at least I hope you do!

Enjoy watching my newest video

Eating Harry Potter...Jelly Beans


Stream it


Monday, July 10, 2006

Life Without an Air Conditioner

It's summer in San Diego and it's been REAALLLLLLYYY hot! I only live a little over a mile from the beach. So you're thinking ok San Diego which doesn't get humid or very hot that's a plus and I live very close to the ocean so I'll be getting an ocean breeze another plus. WRONNNNNNGGGG!
This summer in San Diego has been like being stuck in a sauna. Humid and really hot. Very few days have been nice.

My apartment doesn't have very good air flow either so it's very hot from 11:00 am - 7:00 pm. My windows don't open up and down they slide from left to right. So my selection of air conditioners is very small. In fact the ones I can buy "Portable Air Conditioners" & "Vertical Air Conditioners" are very very expensive. Over $360 for one. The normal A/C's that go in windows that open up and down go for as little as $89.

To avoid the heat in my house I will purposely go to Target, the grocery store or a nearby department store just to walk around and bask in the glory of their air conditioning. You might ask why don't I just drive around in my brand new car with the air conditioning on? Well maybe you live in Caracas, Veneuela where gas is only $0.12/gallon but here its $3.24/gallon. A/C uses lots of gas and I only make a little over $30k/year. I was thinking of getting a 2nd job at Target to enjoy the air conditioning until the sun goes down.

So I am stuck fighting the heat with fans from Target and cold drinks. Only 65 more days til Autumn.

God my life is tough!


Sunday, July 09, 2006

150 days

Em and I are chugging along. We've been together now for 150 days or 5 months. After a very romantic night of watching bloodied up UFC fighters try to destroy one another Emily asked me to marry her? At first my mouth dropped and I sat there shocked as tears began streaming from my eyes. I could hear the bugs outside chirping, the smell of marijuana next door to me, the airplanes whizzing by overhead & the feeling of my dogs tongue licking my hand. It's as if right when she asked me to marry her every sense I have was intensified by 400%. I was in a state of mental bliss and sensual bliss.

Ok so she didn't asked me to marry her but we did watch a UFC fight and we really have been dating for 150 days. She did do something very fucking sweet. She gave me a page of something I like more than anything, More than sex, candy & smelling. She gave me a page of coupons for massages from her. I'd pick a good massage over good sex anyday. Crazy you say? No way sex only massages your danger zone. A massage works fixes your back, ankles, legs, arms, hands, neck, butt, etc...

Can we make it another 150 days? Only Jesus Christ/God/Allah/Moses/& Elizabeth Baron know for sure!


Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Pressures & Rewards of Relationships

After not being in a serious relationship for over 2 years its a reality check getting back into one. You go from only having to worry about what you want, staying on the computer/internet as long as you want, what makes you happy, what upsets you, what you want to eat, where you want to go, etc...To having to worry about what ALSO makes the other person satisfied, happy, bothered & more.

Obviously the rewards far outweigh the pressures of relationships. You have someone to go grocery shopping with, someone to eat with, someone to hold, someone to kiss, someone to be lovey dovey with, someone to have touch your danger zone besides yourself, etc...

As most of you know I am kind of a selfish person. I give but I probably like to take more than I give. Being in a relationship is alot about giving, letting down your guard, not being so stubborn & being sensitive to the persons feelings, wants & needs. I sometimes forget that the relationship isn't all about what I want/need its also about what the other person wants/needs.

I think its implanted in most guys heads from their moms/dads/society that they should be taken care of and its all about what they want. And to get out of that state of mind is a constant struggle for me. I get caught in cruise control in relationships and go with what comes natural to my mind.

So to all the girls I've been selfish with I'm sorry but blame it on my mom! haha j/k mom you did a good job with me. I respect women and love animals! Two of life's treasures I adore most!

A Work in Progress,

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

No Vegas For you!

It officially official no Las Vegas for me this month. Remember a while back (Goin to Vegas...) when I said I was going to go to the Dashboard Confessional/Ben Lee concert @ The House of Blues in Las Vegas in July? Well after purchasing a car, going out to eat to many times & visiting Target alot I am very very broke! So Em & I have had to cancel our little excursion to Vegas.

I'll make it to Vegas one day probably. I have been playing the lottery so I am expecting to win millions very soon! Once that happens I am buying a RV and traveling around the USA with Herbie and Em. I'll visit my beloved Massachusetts, my brother in Tennessee & sister in Connecticut. Money really does solve everything huh?!?!?

I am selling the Dashboard Confessional/Ben Lee tix on Ebay!

God bless your wicked souls!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

MP3Tunes is one of the coolest most needed internet services/programs out there. What it does is backup your entire digital music collection on their website. There are no space restrictions. You get your own login and password so you can access your backed up music anytime from any computer that has access to the internet. So if I go to visit my mom in Massachusetts I can listen to my entire music collection on her computer. If my computer dies and I lose all my music with just one click of the mouse I can redownload all of it again. Some people on the service have over 50,000 songs backed up on the service.

To listen to your music on any internet connected computer you just go to and login. You don't need to download anything to listen just use your internet browser.

This service is awesome if you like listening to your music everywhere you go. It's also a great way to get your music back on your computer if you lose it. It's also a good way to share your music with friends if they want a copy of anything in your music collection. Just give them your login and password and they're good to go.

  • Take advantage of unlimited storage and backup your entire music collection online by syncing to an Oboe Premium Locker!
  • Stream your music directly to popular media players including iTunes and Winamp with an Oboe Free or Oboe Premium Locker!
  • Webload and Sideload free music on the net directly into your Oboe Free or Oboe Premium Locker.
  • Oboe Sync, required for backing up and syncing your music is free with an Oboe Premium Locker, and is compatible with Windows, Mac & Linux.
  • Oboe Locker works with most web browsers on Microsoft Windows, Mac or Linux computers.
  • MP3, MP4, M4A, M4P, AAC, WMA, OGG, AIF, AIFF and MIDI files are compatible with an Oboe Locker.
Join up! it's wicked cool!
