The move would be happening mostly likely in early 2007. There are many pro's and con's to staying and moving.
Pro's for North Carolina
*Living in a house with a yard for the same amount or less than I pay here in San Diego
*Closer to Massachusetts - only 800 miles away! I could drive since I'm scared to fly
*4 seasons
*More of an opportunity to advance in the company since their will be less people than in our home office
Pro's for San Diego
* the beautiful weather
*the many things to do i.e. tons of restaurants, theme parks, clubs
*the friends I have
*Dog beach/Dog Park
*the eye candy
It's really coming full circle for me. Because before I moved to San Diego one of the places I was considering moving was North Carolina. Now to have the chance to move there for free and live in a house with a yard for cheap money and be closer to my hometown is very tempting.
in need of advice,
Go Go Go Go! no wait...Stay Stay Stay! A hell, your a big boy make up your mind. "Should I stay or should I go now, If i go there will be trouble...but if I stay it will be you gotta let me know....SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO?" (In the words of the Clash)
I'll go if you stay and stay if you go. Please let me know your answer asap!!!
Most of North Carolina is a backwards place, and the food sucks!
well most of San Diego is Republican but that doesn't make me want to leave anymore than usual.
Going to NC would just be another adventure added to my quest called "Life". And me being the adventurer I am I need the experience points!
I will be your pro. Tom and I are moving to NC October 1. Where will the office be, Raleigh or Charlotte area? Is your girl able to go with you?? I hate making decisions like this. Wish there was a magic 8 ball answer. Good luck.
they are thinking Charlotte right now. where are you moving to gretchen in NC?
Filipinos are God's gift to white men
dude ixnay on the orthnay arolinanay alktay yer gonna jinx it.
We are looking at houses in Holly Springs (SOOOOO cheap)which is in the Raleigh area. We can afford a house for less than we pay here in rent. Good luck with your decision.
You're not going anywhere...This is just another attempt for you to draw attention to yourself!
I don't need to draw attention to myself I'm just naturally appealing to all people.
I draw attention by the person I am not the actions I take.
Quite Simply I'm pretty damn cool!
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