This summer in San Diego has been like being stuck in a sauna. Humid and really hot. Very few days have been nice.
My apartment doesn't have very good air flow either so it's very hot from 11:00 am - 7:00 pm. My windows don't open up and down they slide from left to right. So my selection of air conditioners is very small. In fact the ones I can buy "Portable Air Conditioners" & "Vertical Air Conditioners" are very very expensive. Over $360 for one. The normal A/C's that go in windows that open up and down go for as little as $89.
To avoid the heat in my house I will purposely go to Target, the grocery store or a nearby department store just to walk around and bask in the glory of their air conditioning. You might ask why don't I just drive around in my brand new car with the air conditioning on? Well maybe you live in Caracas, Veneuela where gas is only $0.12/gallon but here its $3.24/gallon. A/C uses lots of gas and I only make a little over $30k/year. I was thinking of getting a 2nd job at Target to enjoy the air conditioning until the sun goes down.
So I am stuck fighting the heat with fans from Target and cold drinks. Only 65 more days til Autumn.
God my life is tough!
SO come out to cali! We need another blonde bombshell.
bring sunblock
bottled water
bathing suit
fake tattoos
& cigarettes
Bill (Anonymous)
didn't you know that's my maiden name
Gregory Shane Izuhbitch
I don't care how expensive gas is. I would still be driving around if my house wasn't air conditioned. Also it's a myth that the a/c uses a lot of extra gas in the car. It's minimal really.
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