Some said "The acting felt forced", "It doesn't get good until the last 45 minutes", "It's not as good as the first one", "I left in the middle of the movie", and other comments I can't bare to say because it just hurts too much.
Now you're probably wondering are these comments true Gregg?!?! Well ok please just finish reading this sentence first and I'll analyze them one by one. :)
Did the acting feel forced? Not at all. Johnny Dep was the same old Jack Sparo & the rest of the cast even the digitized cast were all in the moment.
Does it not get good until the last 45 minutes? No it actually is a pretty steady movie the whole way through. Doesn't have any huge climax or low points.
Is the first movie better? Honestly they felt pretty equal to me. But who am I? I'm just the son of shoe maker and a producer of an MTV reality show.
Should I leave in the middle of the movie? Well since you've probably read the rest of my answers you know how I'll answer this. Fuck yeah you should leave early if someone died in your family, you have a stomach ache or hungry for more popcorn OTHERWISE stay and watch one heck of an above average film!
I find it quite funny and strange as to why films like this & Spiderman make so much money. Is it because of the special effects? The universally known background story? The actors?
It can't be the story because the stories in these movies are very generic/cliche/bland. Don't get me wrong I totally buy into the hype machine of blockbuster movies generally. Though Spiderman totally sucks I would have to say. I'll never pay to see one of the Spiderman's again unless Kirsten Dunst & I start dating. The movie with the best special effects has to be the Harry Potter movies. They look so real! That boy wizard definitely knows not only regular magic but he also know's movie magic!
Should you go see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest? Yes it's an above average film rated a 7 by me on a scale of 1-10. It's a good movie for kids, teens & adults. Cheesy physical humor, nice special effects & good acting.
Some movies to see instead of this that are coming out in the next couple of weeks are:
Monster House
You, Me & Dupree
Clerks 2
Americuuuhhhh Fuck Yeah!
did you ever end up seeing Batman Begins? it was one of the best movies i saw last year man. there's hardly any special effects in it at all, which is rare for a comic book movie, it really gives it an edge. the action is for the most part naturalistic and the story is totally involving. if you haven't seen it i think you should, you'd really like it.
I did see Batman Begins. It was ok.
I like comedies best & indie think flix.
and I like you Mr. Tuetken
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