Em and I are chugging along. We've been together now for 150 days or 5 months. After a very romantic night of watching bloodied up UFC fighters try to destroy one another Emily asked me to marry her? At first my mouth dropped and I sat there shocked as tears began streaming from my eyes. I could hear the bugs outside chirping, the smell of marijuana next door to me, the airplanes whizzing by overhead & the feeling of my dogs tongue licking my hand. It's as if right when she asked me to marry her every sense I have was intensified by 400%. I was in a state of mental bliss and sensual bliss.
Ok so she didn't asked me to marry her but we did watch a UFC fight and we really have been dating for 150 days. She did do something very fucking sweet. She gave me a page of something I like more than anything, More than sex, candy & smelling. She gave me a page of coupons for massages from her. I'd pick a good massage over good sex anyday. Crazy you say? No way sex only massages your danger zone. A massage works fixes your back, ankles, legs, arms, hands, neck, butt, etc...
Can we make it another 150 days? Only Jesus Christ/God/Allah/Moses/&
Elizabeth Baron know for sure!
are you talking about my testicles?
I thought you only had one?.......
i've got two. one of them did get twisted when i was 13 though!
too much playing with myself i guess!
life ain't right girrrlll
no its not a prison sentence. its been like eating chocolate cake everyday!
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