When a friend of yours doesn't work with you anymore it's almost like breaking up with someone. You're so used to seeing that person everyday and then one day they have to pick up their things and leave. You go from a routine to having to find someone new to fill that void that the routine was once in.
Change is good and kind of sucks. It's good in that if your leaving a situation you're not happy with then hopefully the new situation will bring some good luck joy club. Brian is a cool dude even if he is all "California'd Out". He may sound like the male version of Paris Hilton "Hey Braaaah" but he gets 5 purple flowers in my book of daisy's anyday!
Brian and I were the only white people in my little group of 8. Now I'm the only white person. It's not that weird being the only white dude in the group because except for the food my co-workers eat we all pretty much like the same shit. We all like Borat and we all hate Bush!
So to my man Brian Tate Good luck with your life and may all of your dreams of one day getting the chance to drink toilet water from an unknown bathroom stall for $1 Million come true! You're a cool dude with a cool haircut. You look like me but that's about it. You're probably lucky you don't have the same personality as me or else everyone would thing you're a "fag"! Thank your mom and tell her to send you a few hundred bucks so you can pay you're fucking rent you LUSH!?!?!?
aaahhhh.... i'm going to miss the cute little guy... and I really liked his hair cut... tehe
what are you going to miss most about him?
His gregg o'connell-esque looks
or his "California'd Out Voice"?
dirty: it's definitely a sad day in Greggville. I'll mourn the loss of Brian but I will bask in his memory.
they say things happen in 3's!!!
I'm fucking worried now!
Your boyfriend is leaving? Well, I'd have to say there's nothing better than being a lush instead of working.
erica: he's gone already...
he told me to say "bye" to you..he's a big fan of your blog
Of course Brian Tate isn't upset...look at the girls he's got on his arms. ;)
Really? I've got a fan? Or are you just trying to get me excited so that you can shoot me down with the truth?
Sorry to hear your fwb is gone. Looks like you'll have to find a new one?
BTW, stay tuned, a new and fascinating captain post is heading this way soon...
steve: you can't handle Asian girls!
erica: did I say "fan"? I meant to say he likes your tan!
DC1904: I'm waiting...
FYI Seth is gay for lil berta
That's right... Shoot me down.
like bon jovi.."cause I'm wanted...wanttttteeeed Dead or Alive" guitar solo follows
You should put your version of Livin' on a Prayer" up... You could show everyone how much of a rockstar/QB you really are!
How can seth be gay for a girl?
capn mo
erica: send me that version of livin on a prayer and ill post it!
captain mo: seth likes girls with schlongs :P
I appreciate the memorial Gregg although I'm a little scarred from the post above this. good god. Tell Seth to get away from Little Berta. shes mine!
Brian come back at least for the walks
i dont know. that would be very nostalgic and im too proud to let you see me cry
you're so caring..thank you
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