If I die the following things I own go to the following people unless the person that is getting something from my will KILLS me then the stuff they were supposed to get goes to my mom and or my sister and/or Emily and or/Erica. Good that should clear up some confusion!
Erica Putis gets:
Herbie (my dog)
my laptop (she needs a computer bad!)
50% of my cothes & shoes (so you can cut them up and make them into cool girls clothes!)
Emily Ignacio gets:
32 inch LCD HDTV
Nintendo Wii & all my Nintendo Wii games/accesories (lucky!)
25 inch Toshiba Low-Def TV (haha luckkky girl!!)
2006 Honda Civic (lucky girl not only do you inherit the car but also the payments!)
50% of my clothes & shoes (you can sleep in my clothes when you have nothing else to wear or if you new boyfriend needs something cozy!)
My Mom gets:
any money I may currently have
The right to bury me or cremate me
My sister gets:
all the Sirius Satellite & Delta Airlines stock I own
My brother gets:
All my guitars
All my guitar accessories
Marshall amp
The rights to all the songs I copyrighted
My iPod
Zdenek Janda gets:
Sony 7.2 megapixel camera (drop that 3 megapixel Fuji in the trash bro)
Bill Kutters gets:
Xbox 360 system , Xbox 360 games & Xbox 360 Accessories(I feel bad for you son. Let me bring you into the digital age!!!)
Left over sunflower seeds, gum or Goldfish on my desk at work (you'd be in heaven son!!!)
If my mom cremates me I want to be buried with my dog herbie or if Herbie is also cremated when he dies then have both of our ashes spread somewhere we both liked.
My website would go to no one. It would just go down once they took it down b/c I hadn't paid the server bill.
The music at my funeral must be Nat King Cole.
what would you will to who???
Well, I guess everything would go to my kids and husband.
It's not like you were leaving me anything...
that's besides the point..
you could've at least left me custody of your kids
You can have my boys...they will play video games with you.
wonderful I get two snot nose kids from Ohio that can drool all over my precious video game consoles!
Well, you asked for it.
You could get Stowie too. But I have nothing else anyone else would want...So sad.
travis: the gays love boy bloggers...so if one dies they go onto the next blog...you're my backup QB of my blog so I'm happy to hear you're ready to step in if I go down!
erica: yeahhhh I love stowie!!!
Way too much inuendo in that statement dude....WAY TOO MUCH.
travis: haha I just read what I wrote and you're 100% correct!
my husband dictated that everything goes to my son.. even my teapot collection.. and my little bro said that he wanted it... damn men
Julianne: you never supposed to let someone dictact anything in your life. I don't let ANYONE control me except for Herbie. If you let people walk all over you then you'll soon look like a doormat
ok here.. now who has issues.. my husband feels strongly about who my stuff goes to and your controled by a dog... thats awesome
julianne: watchout guys are slime balls!
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