Some of my favorite candle scents are the fruity ones especially Apple scents. The Apple scented candles give me a good feeling. The same feeling that I get when my balls rub up against the side of my legs on a hot summer day. You know that sticky yet warm sensual feeling?
Back to candles! I also adore the holiday smelling candles. The Christmas scented ones, the pine ones & the mixed ones like Peppermint Cranberry. The only thing kind of sucky about Yankee Candle is that all of the holiday candles, apple candles & the cookie scented candles smell almost exactly the same. It's kind of funny actually they smell the same but they come up with these ridiculous names for them even though they are the same like "Feliz Navidad" & "Sparkling Angel" & "Sparkling Pine". They really just need to sell one candle for Christmas not 20 different named ones that smell alike. It's kind of like someone reading 20 other blogs when they really just need to read mine. We all write about the same shit it's just some blogs "smell" slightly better than the others. My blog smells like country apples...mmmm yummy!
So if a guy likes candles does it make him gay? I don't think so...but I like candles and I also know I'm not a homosexual so maybe I'm not the right person to answer this question. What about in the olden days when candles were used to for lighting a room? Did they make the Pilgrims gay?
Yes, liking candles makes you gay.
wow you are really in touch with your feminie side.. but if your going to burn candles I recommend Party they have lots of candles... sizes shapes and scents... I really love the melon.. and they last a long time... give it a look....
so i guess i will keep my love of candles to myself from now on since i'm working on image makeover.
hehehe blogs blogs blogs!
julianne: i will definitely check it out....did you figure out what ur getting me for xmas yet?
Yep and you and stewie will find out what it is when you get it... and do you live with your girlfriend?
You can't help that you are in touch with your femine side... Candles are in your nature. Your gay nature.
dude the pilgrims reeked! as long as you're being manly somewhere else in your life, then liking girly candles is ok. I'm still trying to think of something manly that you do...nope, I got nothing.
julianne: who is stewie? the kid from Family Guy? Yes I live with my gf..why did you want to move in with me? Your half of rent would be $612.50
Mel: I'm not worried about people thinking I'm gay I'm hoping people think I'm gay!!!
Erica: I love nature! I'm so outdoorsy!
You miss me aka mel: the pilgrim were sweet people with ugly clothing!
The pilgrim's would hang out their
wicks on a pole. Their wicks would be dipped repeatedly into a vat of molten tallow. Wax would slowly, slowly,slowly build up on the dipped wick until a candle had formed. Sounds pretty gay...
it' too bad my qick is all used and small now :(
then what in the hell is you dogs name.. and i wanted to knwo if i should get her a gift too.
erica's dogs name is stowie. my dog's name is Herbie :)
You should definitely get Emily something for xmas!!! :)
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