I don't know if it's cause I like the attention I'm getting from the other person or what? It just is fun for me. It bothers most people. Like when I bicker with a girl the girl usually gets all whiney and bitchy. When they get like this it just makes me want to bicker even more. It's high like the kind of high a teenager gets when they huff from a can of shaving cream. Come on don't act like you don't huff after every time you shave your hairy legs!
Bickering also relieves a lot of stress that we as human keep inside. I feel like it sheds a layer of skin for us that otherwise would just lay there dormat for years until we exploded like a teenage boy all over girlfriends face for the first time. It'd be messy, dirty & smell like fish and uncooked hamburger.
Some of my best and most intense bickering has been with Erica Putis. She's so easy to get wound up and into a bickering match. I'd start by just being bored and following her around the house. Next I'd say or do something obnoxious like make some weird noise like I was a sea otter. I really am making myself sound like an immature fool punk teenager but come on this is who I am. I can't make everyone happy. I feel like you should make yourself happy then animals then people that aren't your kids. Kids always come first unless you're a single parent and haven't had a night out in 275 days then you put your Willy Wonka in charge!
So if you see me in the comments section of my blog or someone elses blog saying something to get people riled up it usually because I want them to visit my website. But the next reason is because I like bickering with all those retarded Rockstar Mommy fans!
Do you bicker for fun, for real or never at all?
I'm an excellent bickerer... if there is a word.... try me... I'm in a mood
I have a feeling that today is going to be a good day to fight
julianne: you're as much a bickerer as I am a superhero!!! I could break you with like 2 sentences!!!
dirty: who do you bicker with the most in your life?
I like RSM too her fans are bit sucky sucky too much though. They think she is God...hmmm
I enjoy having fake arguments with Justin in front of customers at the gas station, some people get really worried =p O and I like to pretend to fight with stupid people...
kevin: I always thought you and Brian aka Justin would be man and man one day. It really shocked me when he said he had a girlfriend. Is that a mirage to hide his undying love for you?
P.S. I'd love to bicker with you about video games in public!!!
dirty: are you on antidepressants? I love you like a mom you know that..I'm just worried about your need to fight..:P
you may not be old enough physically but mentally you're an oldie
Thanks for letting everyone know that I'm whiney and easily aggravated. I'm almost more of a winner (meaning loser) than you!
yeah like Sofia from Golden Girls..
"thank you for being a friend...back and down the road and back again...my heart is true you're a pal and confidant"
break me in two sentences huh.. well bring it on...
oh geat your one of those... a guy who sings al the wrong words to a song.... it's
'thank you for being a friend...travel down the road and back again...my heart is true you're a pal and confidant... get it right little boy...
Oh hell…. Yes people I’m about to prove what a HUGE geek I am
Thank you for being a friend...
Travel down the road and back again...
My heart is true you're a pal and confidant
And if you threw a party…
And invited one everyone you knew
You would see the biggest gift would be from me…
And the card attached would say….
Thank you for being a friend…
Any body mocks me and I’m going to postal on their ass….
julianne: I'm too nice of a guy to break you in two sentences..espeically when i'm not on my period.
golden girls song: isn't it enough that i kind of know the song...isn't that any consilation?
erica: just b/c you did a little research on the internet doesn't mean you're a cool druggy!
no comebacks?!?!?
I never researched it, dork. My friends used to do it in highschool. You forget that I was a total bad ass back in the day. Haha...
erica: hippies and badas dont really go together
mel: hmm's are cool thats why!
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