One of the first and best shows I ever went to was in 2000 when Evan Dando played at the Brattle Theatre. It was an amazing show and he played like 30 songs all solo and acoustic it was awesome! It really blew me away especially his voice & demeanor on stage. He didn't seem contrived like most musicians today. He seems to naturally have that "fuck you" slacker, druggy persona.
I even started a website about Evan Dando & The Lemonheads. It was called and was the most popular fansites for him at the time. I would get hundreds of hits a day and I was even in contact with Evan's manager Tom. Tom would always send me any new releases, posters and promo items. It was really cool to be that close to my favorite rock star.
I've seen Evan probably about 10 times in my life. He is definitely one of the moodiest musicians I've ever seen. One show he'll be talking up a storm and seem to be really enjoying himself and the next show he seems really down in the dumps and pissed off. There was this one show at T.T. The Bears in Cambridge, MA and he was outside after the show smoking cigarettes and talking to the crowd outside. A few people asked to be photographed with him. You might be thinking I'm all outgoing and say whatevers on my mind but when it comes to going up to someone and asking them for a photo with them or directions or something I'm pretty shy. So I walk up to Evan and I'm like "Hey Evan I run I really love your music and I was wondering if I could get my photo taken with you". Evan replies "Yeah make it quick!". I'm like fuck dude that's pretty damn rude. It's not like after the photo he ran off to be somewhere. He just sat there and continued to smoke. I'm not saying he owed me a photo or anything but don't be a fucking cocksucker about it when someone asks you for one simple photo.
Last night was the icing on the cake when it comes to bad mood performances. Evan Dando aka The Lemonheads played at Belly Up in Solana Beach, CA. First it took literally like 35 minutes for him to come on stage even after the stage was completely setup. He played maybe 15 songs or a 45 minute set. The only word he said all night to the audience was "Thank You" at the end of the show. He never introduced himself or the songs. Not one time did he look into the crowd. He had his eyes closed the entire performance. His voice sounded kind of weak but overall the new songs sounded really good live and had a lot of energy.
I really don't get him. He has this amazing voice and talent and he has such a bitchy attitude. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love this guy as a musician. His one of my favorites if not my favorite but his attitude really takes away from his performance sometimes. He's not very welcoming to go up to at all. He comes off as a cocky motherfucker. God that sounds like me!
I really hope the next time I see him live that it's a lot like the first time I saw him when he was all cheery, energetic and glad to be on stage. When he plays like he did last night it makes the show a lot more unenjoyable and less satisfying.
do you think he tastes lemony or humany?
Probably humany.
...but with a twist.
Probably humany.
...but with a twist.
erica: no he is that act good! but he does have a bad attitude like dave tuetken! j/k dave...
Dave - I said nothing this time. It's all Gregg. :)
They're called BROODING musicians for a reason.
thats no excuse for him breaking my little bitty baby heart
haha- dude thats funny Evan said that. I actually remeber u told me that story- but reminds me of this beach bum with a lizard on OB beach my last visit. This zero has a lizard on the strand and I want to get a vid of kelly and my daughters next to it. The dude says "make it quick dad I got to go".Im thinking where do u got to go dude. anyway may have the clip on vid. I should send it to u. maybe u can mix it in with a lemonheads tune. U like my stories-phat stuff
darlisha: i need to find a new rocker that will respect me for who i am. Hanson is not it!
steve: haha thats awesome...send me the vid kid!
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