Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New Camera! New Photos! New Video!

For Christmas my mom purchased me a Sony DSC-T10. It's very sleek and sexy. It's super easy to operate and the photos come out pretty good. I still need to get a Sony memory stick so I can take more photos with the camera before unloading them onto the computer. I also have to learn how to take good photos cause I kind of suck at it.

Here are some photos I took the day I got my new little baby. Most of the photos are inspired by Dirty Laundry!

Crooked Teeth Pick My Virtual Nose Handsome Boy Bum Part II Dirty Thizz Self Portrait Thinking Aloud Wanting More out of life Mr. Chin Oh No My Cheeks Don't Lie Desktop Gregg n Dogs Best Smile in San Diego

I wanted to try out the video recording on it. I recorded a 30 second clip that after watching is really how a day in the life at home is here at the O'Connell/Ignacio Household. It's nothing but crazy voices, dogs, loud TV's & pajamas.


Julianne B said...

dude...please.. i beg of you. enough of the ass shots already... yea it's really white... we get that already

Gregg O'Connell said...

send me the thong photo!!! There's nothing better than Ohio Thong!

Anonymous said...

Yeah - your ass pictures are a little too frequent for my liking.

Gregg O'Connell said...

erica: you're copying of me in your blog posts is a bit too frequent for me! :P

Julianne B said...

no ass shots will be posted on my site cause I have in-laws that read it and they don't need to see it.

Gregg O'Connell said...

julianne: would you do it for some rare tea?

Anonymous said...

The only thing I copy is where the picture is on the entries. You are just jealous that I'm more funny than you. Ouch! That one must have hurt. haha...

Gregg O'Connell said...

erica: just say the reason you started blogging is because of me!

emily: you're obviously a freak if you're dating an egomaniac like me!

Anonymous said...

Ok - I can say that.

Gregg O'Connell said...

qofd: can you recommend some self tanner?

Julianne B said...

black or green.. won't even think about it if it's that fruity new age shit

Gregg O'Connell said...

so you like the classic teas...ahhhhh ok :)
that must be why you like me cause I'm a "Classic" like Disney and Coca Cola

Gregg O'Connell said...

she is wayyy cuter than me in that video!

Gregg O'Connell said...

ok I'll say it again

she is wayyy cuter than me in that video!

Gregg O'Connell said...

if anything i've given you a christmas FULL of goodies and treats