I just got back from running with Herbie when I received a call from Bill Kutters. "Hey Greggors you can go play the Wii @ EB Games in Point Loma". I'm thinking to myself "Nooooo wayyyyyy braaahhhhh". So as I get off the phone I'm dripping sweat and semen from the run I just had I yell to Emily "Babe! EB Games down the street has the Wii!" she says "Ok babe but I'm not going anywhere until you get in the shower...no one wants to smell your stinky sweaty bum" So I hop into the shower and lather myself up with Dove soap and Fantastic Sam's shampoo. Oh ya I drained my lizzy before I got in the shower just an FYI. I get out of the shower in record time, dry off, get dressed and head out the door with my little Filipino girlfriend.
It took like 3 minutes to get to EB Games but once I get there I head over to Heaven Gate. and see it in all it's plasticness....awwwww NINTENDO WII!!! I stand there for a few minutes sweating because I just got out of the shower and put on clothes. So the hot water from the shower didn't have time to cool down because I got dressed so quickly so my neck was sweating profusely!
In order to play the Wii at EB you need to give them your license. After you give them that they let you borrow the wireless Wiimote. The only game they had was Excite Truck. Which wouldn't be my first game to play since I'm not really into racing games but nonetheless I got to play the Wii.
In order to play Excite Truck you need to hold the controller sideways and move it like a steering wheel. As I began playing the controls felt really loose and the game seemed kind of hard but after 1 lap I quickly learned just how easy it is to play with the Wiimote. I ended up coming in first which is no surprise to me since I am a "Gamer".
The console itself is really small and super cool looking. The Wiimote is very responsive, light, rumbles and has a little speaker that has sounds coming out of it. The graphics looked kind of fuzzy but it's because they were using RCA cables on an HDTV. Otherwise the graphics weren't that bad.
I'm very excited to play with my Wii on November 19! You should get a Wii too so that maybe you can be as cool as me but remember you'll never be me because I'm a "Gamer" and you're a housewife with kids!
how can you be cooler than me? Do you know how to play guitar, pickup teenage girls online & shoot a gun??????
no such thing as naturally cool.
you have to build up your rep!
What's with the hate for us housewives with kids? Shit, at least my hobbies don't get me carded when I want to buy beer.
i don't hate housewives with kids. I love them!!! they make me feel important. You gals are like my "other" moms!
The only beer i drink is Root Beer!!
Dirty: I'm only jealous of one person...Your husband! B/C he got to you before I did..othewise you'd be living in SD with 5 kids and a dog!
i was surprised at how good excite truck looked. Sadly I didnt have time to play it but I definitely look forward to getting one. Gamestop has PS3 by the way. It looks pretty but the demo system keeps crashing, gotta love sony =p. O well they'll be financing my Wii and all the expensive Wii-motes I'll be buying so I guess they're ok.
ya excite truck looked good except for the fuzzyness which is b/c of the crappy cables!
i wanna play Wii with you Cuz!
i'd say a DS lite.
also the DS lite is portable so you can bring it on road trips or
whenever else your kid may act up!
plus ds lite is cheaper!
You sure do sweat a lot for a 9 year old. I didn't know puberty started that early...
I didn't know you needed to be going through puberty to sweat...hmm i learn something new everyday
Well, I know you start to have BO once you go through puberty... Maybe kids sweat... I can't remember if I did but then again I never sweat because I'm a lady.
Oh good. Now I don't have just my own kids to neglect. I get called your "other mommy" so I can neglect you too. Maybe you'll end up with thumbtacks in your mouth next.
mel: running makes me leak all kinds of bodily fluids..weird huh?
qofd: i'm way to cute to neglect. you'd feel guilty...right?
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