It was only found out last night that Toys R Us was going to announce a second wave of preorders for the Nintendo Wii. It's actually in todays Sunday fliers. So not many people knew about it unless you're like me and you're fucking dork and read video game websites 24/7. So when I read it last night that Toys R Us was doing preorders for next weeks Nintendo Wii launch I yelled to Emily "Hey babe Toys R Us is doing a fucking preorder tomorrow, we should go!".
So at 5:00 am this morning we woke up and decided to go wait in line for the Nintendo Wii. We ended up getting there at like 5:45 am. The first guy to get there was there at 3:00 am. We were the 8th and 9th people in line and there was only 10 preorders. So thank Jesus, God & Mary that we went as early as we did because otherwise we would've been fucked!
So Nintendo Wii is released on November 19, 2006 and I now have no need to wait in line for 17 hours because I can just walk into Toys R Us on Sunday morning and pick up my Wii. I really must Thank Emily my girlfriend of over 250 days for the Nintendo Wii. It's my Christmas gift from her. Guys it just goes to show that you just need to go out into the world or Philippines and find yourself a single Filipino girl as well!
Click here for the Nintendo Wii Preorder Photoset
P.S. Emily is selling her preorder she got for herself in case you want to buy it for a premium :)
Not to rain on your parade or anything but theres going to be 4 million Wii's by Christmas... I know you want one first day but come on =p
Dork, dork, dork.... and dork. And....scene.
Did that make sence?
I'm not a dork! I'm a gamer!!!
Mel: just be nice and buy me a video game this Christmas!!!
remember how well that PSP scam worked for me? i waited too long to sell it and had to end up returning it. but i don't consider it a loss. four exclusive hours with gregg is never a waste of time.
I'm getting a Wii because this system is all about playing games in a whole new way! Do your research
DIRTY! please!!! before you put the G-R-E-G-G down!
Dave: you're not the lucky one I am the lucky one! It's not everyday I get to hangout with the lead man in Herman The Great. The pleasure was all mine Mr. T!!!
i get laid every single minute of the day!!!
who called me out?!?!?!
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