Thursday, November 23, 2006

I'm Thankful For...

Here's a list of things:

I'm Thankful/For...
My dog Herbie
My family for being there when I need them
Having Emily in my life
Having Erica in my life
My friends
Having a job that doesn't make me depressed
My penis works
I have a computer
I have people that comment on everything I put on my website
I don't have a hernia
I don't have cancer
I have an HDTV
I have an Xbox 360 & Nintendo Wii
I have a new Honda Civic
All the music I've found so far in my life that I like
I'm as funny as I am
I'm as handsome as I am
I can play guitar & sing
For girls

What are you thankful for?



Anonymous said...

You forgot that you are thankful for Salma Hayek's boobs...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Gregg O'Connell said...

oh ya I totally forgot that one. That definitely is a "BIG" thing to be thankful for

Gregg O'Connell said...

God really knows how to make beautiful art doesn't he?

Julianne B said...

I'm thankful i'm not pregnant again

Gregg O'Connell said...

how many kids do u have?

Julianne B said...

only the one but he is 5 months old... if I had another one now.. they would only be 14 months apart...

Gregg O'Connell said...

wanna have a kid with me?

Julianne B said...

no thanks... i'm good

Gregg O'Connell said...

god help me

Anonymous said...

Guess who bought you some vintage tee shirts today...yes, I am awesome I know!
I'll see you in a week!

Gregg O'Connell said...

wow really? thats awesome!!!!
thank you :))))

you need my phone #!!!