Monday, January 22, 2007

Dirty Laundry Interviews Gregg O'Connell

I found Gregg's site after reading that he was some sort of comment whore over at another site. I thought that the comment whore title was interesting and if someone was calling him that then he must be fun. I've been reading his blog ever since. We have absolutely nothing in common and I think of him as my over-sized, almost the same age as me, never met him in real life internet son...he's like a son to me...over the internet...and you will fall in love with him and want to adopt him too (that's how awesome he is). I sat down and asked Gregg some questions the other day...his answers will be in bold.

Hi are you today?
I'm pretty good. I woke up at 5:00am..and it's Saturday..hmmm

You have mentioned more than a million times that you don't drink (as in alcohol)...What kind of freak gets high on life and how do you do it?
I don't need alcohol because I can get away from my problems and have fun with listening to music, playing UNO on Xbox 360 & masturbating to the thoughts of naked blogger chicks!

Your dog Herbie is awesomely adorable...If it was socially acceptable, would you marry him?
Great question and hard hitting as well! I wouldn't marry Herbie because my love for him is more like the love that you may have for your own child. I love Herbie as if he were my son. He and I have this connection kind of like the connection Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey...real deep and meaningful conversations you know?!

If you were faced with eating dark meat chicken or losing Herbie to a pack of wolves which would you chose?
Fucking-A that's really easy-eating dark meat chicken. If I lost Herbie I'd go into a state of depression that only lots of anti depressants could help. I'd need something to numb my pain. Eating dark meat chicken to me is like kissing the ugly chick in class in front of everyone. I don't want to do it but if it comes down to Herbie, I'd do it!

Could you please reveal some of your beauty secretes?
I use Happy Colongne, Dove soap, Fantastic Sam's shampoo, Paul Mitchell Dry Wax for my hair, Crest Toothpaste, Listerine Mouthwash, Stride Gum & lots of baby oil

What's it like being a Filipino?
I wouldn't know because I'm Irish. I do find Filipino girls hotter than a Burger King grill though...

Name 5 people you wish you would love to have dinner with...
5 people OK here goes...My mom's dad who is my grandfather. He died in 1989 when I was only 9years old. I really wouls have liked to get to know him as I got olderbut I never got the chance. It'd be really cool to talk to him andget his ideas and thoughts on life and such. My mom: I've only seen her once in 2 years...Dad,Sister,Brother I haven't seen them in 2 years!!!And to add a sixth I'd want to have dinner with Traci Bingham becauseshe's the hottest black woman I've seen that looks like some other ethnicity.

You are in serious need of a tan...why are you scared of the sun?
It causes sun sores, skin cancer and it sunburns hurt...I'd rather get a tan from the glowing light of my computer monitor.

Are you sure you aren't gay?
I'm straight except for those 2 dudes I banged in '83.

What happens after the lights go out?
Well I place my hands underneath the covers and slowly strangle the neck of the unsuspecting victim sleeping next to me. Or I usually just masturbate and slowly go to sleep.

Seriously...what possessed you to do THIS?!?!
I wanted to get the attention of everyone on the internet. Gay guysseems to froth at the mouth over this kind of nakedness. It not onlygot me a few hits to my website but a whole slue of new gay fans!

You are extremely sexy...How do you keep the ladies off of you?
To keep the ladies off I usually tell them I have an STD that'sincurable and may cause itching.

Ahh the "hairy bagel". It goes well with lite Cream Cheese and somechives...yummy!

And last but not least...WHY?
It catches people off guard leaving them with the ever lasting memory of my sweetass conquering their computer screen!

Thanks Gregg...I can now live a more fulfilled life now that I know a little more about you.

You're welcome and I must give a shout-out to Herbie, Yoshi & all therest of my crew!


dirty said...

It was everything I thought it would be and more...

Gregg O'Connell said...

dirty: you're all heart!

Erica Ann Putis said...
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Erica Ann Putis said...

You are a superstar blogger if you are getting interviewed. You must give yourself autographs all the time.

Gregg O'Connell said...

erica: you're so jealous! admit it please! you love calling my drunk line!

Erica Ann Putis said...

Haha - How did you know it was me? I was trying to use my best Boston meathead accent I could muster up. Fun times dude.

Gregg O'Connell said...

erica: my voicemail has caller id dude :)

dirty said...


Maybe I will call it this weekend.

Gregg O'Connell said...

dirty: please call it. I want to hear your sexy voice!

dirty said...