Let me know what you think and if you star in any videos please post it in the comments section!
HP Commercial (kinda funny)
McDonald's Commercial (kinda funny) (Emily has a starring role in this video as well)
Levi's Commercial (VERY Funny)
Oh ya I almost forgot. Punky gave me a brilliant idea. She said why don't you turn your comment line (619) 377-0593 (that no one calls) into a "secrets line". Here's the idea, you call and anonymously or in character leave a secret on the secrets line and that # is 619-377-0593.
At the end of each week I'll post an audio file of the secrets left. We can then all laugh, cry, be mad or joyful at the secrets you divulged. The biggest secret you could have would be if you knew where OBL (Osama Bin Laden) is, then you get a $50 Million prize!
ok so call me now 619-377-0593!
Oh shit - that's Levis commercial IS really funny.
erica: you need to do one dude!
anonymous: your name is pussy act. Come out behind that scarf and fight like a lady!
Levi's with the hot tub ending is the best
That secrete idea is stupid.
Those commercials were funny.
dirty: you're just upset b/c you don't have any good secrets!
i'm happy to hear you liked my videos...i still like you !
I don't keep secretes Gregg...I am an open book.
dirty: ok fine if you don't have secrets, then what is your email password?!??!
That's not the same thing.
punky: your's doesn't work?!?!
Awesome Gregg... you should check out mine
For punky's click on where it says play the personal Ad... not the pic.. cause then it won't do anything... it worked fine for me...
Its Greggs first day on the internet...hehehe
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