I used to work with this dude in Massachusetts and he was actually my boss. Anyways, I totally completely thought this dude was banging chicks or at least dreaming of banging chicks. The longer I worked at this company the more "in" I got with him and some of his gay friends. Well one day on the train ride home we were all talking about God knows what, probably about processing mutual funds or banging chicks when he's like "I'm gay!". I was shocked! As shocked as when that chick who was pretending to be a guy showed her boobs to that guy in that 1980's movie which I can't remember the name of!
You know when a dude is gay and he has that kind of lisp when he speaks. Well this dude never had the gay lisp until after he told me he liked playing tonsil hockey with dudes. Then all of the sudden this guy was lisping left and right with phrases like "Thasssss great Gregg" and "That dudesssss asssss isssssss ssssssoooo niccccccce". It's almost as if just because he told me he was gay that he now had this license to use his lisp when he previously did not have one.
thats awesome... I had to call my best friend and read her your blog.. we laughed our asses off
Maybe he is just trying to fit in like the surfers and all that totally tubular talk...
I have a friend that I've known since middle school that he was gay. The other day he messaged me on my space "I'm finally gay!" Yeah he had the lisp too. Whenever you're ready to come out Gregg I hope you tell me in person & not on myspace.
My mom's best friend's son just exposed his gay-ness. I called it years ago and everyone was like "You are so wrong...he's strait"
He even got MARRIED...to a WOMAN.
I still knew he was gay.
He left his wife last year...
...for another man.
I knew it.
julianne: your best friend doesnt have the internet? If she does give her my website so she can become an obsessed fan like you please!!! :)
erica: they don't have surfers in massachusetts braaahhhh!
you miss me: melissa i hate myspace first off and second if when/if i do come out then i'm doing it on my website! Think of all the traffic I would get! WOW!
tommie fish: feel free to openly come out on my website. we could make it a 3 part interview where at the end of the 3rd part you could announce you're gay. thus leading you into you're very own book and movie deal!
dirty: he sounds awesome! what's his name and phone #?!?!?!
Just One of The Guys!
Todd: YES, that's it! That movie was a classic! The girl was hot!!!
This has happened to me on a few occasions and each time is more shocking than the next
Oh, I'm sure it's happened to you countless times. How long does it take your co-workers to find out that you're gay? :)
Dan: they usually find out after the first kiss
So are you going to have a lisp after you come out in about 15 years, after you've gotten married and have had kids? You do the lisp so well...
erica: well seeing as i like to be different than others I'd probably use my tongue for other things rather than use it to lisp my "s"
Ewwwwwwwww... I'm sure that some gay guys will give you a run for your money... Especially the ones with tongue peircings. (try not to get too turned on)
Thats gya dude
Steve form NZ
erica: definitely ewww
steve: are there any gay peeps in NZ?
How much $$ for you to hook up with your boy Seth??
U know u'd luv it!!
captain: $1 million..you?
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