It doesn't seem very financially smart for the traffic authorities to be enforcing speeders on the road by aircraft while they spend thousands of dollars of fuel, flying over ahead of peoples cars. What are they like "Oh my that car is going 52 in a 35 mph zone....sweet, that's another $125 ticket! Now let's turn back around and spend another $400 in gas so we can catch another speeder". Come on these signs are an F'n joke!
Every time I see these preposterous signs, I have never ever seen an airplane flying overhead. So I'm starting to think that these signs are only merely there to scare those white dudes that drive Ford Mustangs & the Asian/Latin brothers that drive supped up Honda's & Acura's something to be worried about.
Have you ever seen a plane flying overhead doing traffic patrol? Do you know anyone that has gotten a ticket from an airplane?
gregg... i want that sign.. get me one and send it.... and I also checked out that site that annoymous posted and it expalins everything.. no it isn't comment spam.... oh yea... happy new year
anonymous: come on no is getting ticket from airplanes???!?
julianne: just give me your FEDEX #
I'm back Gregg!
Be happy again!
dirty: I feel alive!
I remember your brother-in-law saying they weren't real. You should ask him again.
erica: i'm going with it's not real and or if it is its very rare!
I actually never see these signs. I'm usually speeding so fast that it's impossible for me to read any signs.
dan: your Ford Escort goes over 65 mph?!?!?
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