I stood confused because what was once just a friendship blossomed into moments of fleeting lust for one another. "Is this the feeling all the other boys were talking about when Father Ryan would treat them to a game of doctor and patient" I asked myself. Trembling like a puppy straight out of the bath as I inched closer to her. She lay their confident and as still as a brick. Her soft skin and shiny hair baked in the sun and was warm to the touch. Inside my stomach churned like it does when eating too many of mothers cookies in one sitting.
I began sliding both my hands up her legs until I reached her upper thighs when all the sudden all I saw was black. "Did God strike me down for trying to do what only the married folks are supposed to do" I woke up 2 hours later with a bruise on my forehead the size of Colorado's country side & sweet Mona hands caressing my shoulders. "Are you alright darling" Mona said...."Why Yes..but...but I don't know what happened..." Mona went onto explain that as I got to her thighs my eyes rolled into the back of my head "pluff" I was out like a light. I felt embarrassed and ashamed that I had gone against God's word.
We never went back to the stream alone, I felt like God had made the decision for me that I wasn't yet ready for "adult matters". I took his "advice" and on my free time dedicated my life to him by spending time with Father Ryan.
I hope you enjoyed story time with me, I know I did...
This is by far the best story I have ever read. It's great how you are making more of an effort and turning into a real poet.
I'm dying a little inside
erica: thank you it took me a long time to write up this story. 15 minutes of life spent slaving over a story of this magntitude took a lot of energy out of me...
travis: you're too kind
I'm dying a LOT inside.
Dude, what's with the photo? I'm a guy. I react to visual stimuli. Why didn't you put a photo of a naked babe or something?
dan: I added some sex appeal for you bro. you like? high five?
emily: this story really shows off my versatility as a writer...my mind is likea beach...if that makes sense
You need some fatherly guidance in your life son. Come over to me when you're ready to be a real man.
Or start listening to Tom.
captain: I get smart listening to NPR son..get with it@
You should write a story every week. I seriously laughed my ass off.
erica: for real you laughed? I actually was very impressed with my writing and vocabulary...
I think that's a good diea for em to write one short story every single week! haha!
Now that I re-read it with a clean plate - maybe it's not hysterical but it's definately mildly amusing.. Haha...
erica: you suck! you know it's a wonderful story filled with satire, sex & young love!
i loved it-
for obvious reasons
it was beautiful
pastlife: I'm wonderful aren't I?
wonderful you say!!!!
from a pastlife-wonderful!!!!
does not touch or define-it's truth
to dc1904
judgemental people like you
provoke people in this world to be synical
if you don't have an artistic gene in your soul
to judge art
your comment is ignorant
and don't dignify this response
with the freedom of speech copout
because it is a copout
for a lack of an intelligient response
inspite of time and space
and life
i will always defend
your creativity
pastlife: the truth is never as true as it could be
captain: i'm the biggest pussy who made up this mythical tale..
if you're so smart son than battle me to a war of wits!
anonymous: thank you for sticking up for me. i was looking for a virtual bodyguard :)
your welcome
from what was-
i have always hoped
to have been your Muse
to have whispered in your ear and inspired
your words and music
anonymous: you're angel not yet in heaven
captain: I love the bickering in here! I've dreamed this day would come and it's definitely arrived!
God bless you all!
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