I began my search by emailing the MSCSC.org. They gave me a list of AKC registered breeders and contact info for them. I called like 5 of the breeders and they all have a kind of arrogance to them. You know that kind of "I breed the best dogs around and their shit doesn't stink". I was talking to one breeder and I was telling her I have a white Schnauzer and she replied with "Shame on you!". I guess the story goes that the high-end breeders usually kill the white Schnauzers because the AKC doesn't consider the white Schnauzers actually Schnauzers. It's psychotic isn't it? It's like saying "oh she doesn't speak Chinese, so let's not call her Chinese". So not only are these high-end breeders arrogant & mean, but they also charge a lot! They charge anywhere between $1,000 - $1,500 for puppies. These breeders are so F'd!
I've decided on trying to find a Mini-Schnauzer female puppy from craigslist, puppyfind.com, or fox6.com classifieds. They cost a hell of a lot less and let's be honest they are the same dog as the $1,500 dog. Am I right or am I right or Am I right?
Long Live Herbie!
your right... and to tell you the truth I have never owned a pure breed dog adn I never will... Heinz 57's are what I like... and I find they are more interesting...
what are Heinz 57's besides ketchup bottles?
Q of D: I would get one at a shelter but I want a puppy. Plus I don't really want one that has any emotional problems
$1500 is WAY too much for a dog...especially when they could turn out to be a total dud.
Herbie is cute...I'm not a dog person though.
Female dogs attach to their male owners more-so than the males.
dirty: the male dogs are pretty clingy to their male owners too...
My house is going to be a zoo..2 dogs and 2 cats..yikes!
My house is already a zoo. If my chinchillas have babies you can have one of those. You seem like an animal lover.
I don't need any Chinchillas. I only want an extra dog thank you very much
Good for you getting another dog! Petfinder.com may be another good source for you. You never know what you'll find. I got a purebred Siamese and a purebred rat terrier through that site. They were adults, but they do have puppies kind of frequently.
What would you name your female? Lovebug?
I was going to give you crap about a few things today but I'm not feeling good so all I have to say is...spell check.
xtina: I was thinking of naming her
"Betty" :)
youmissme: OK I must admit when I wrote this blog last night I didn't spell check or proofread it. I have just proofread it and fixed all errors that I found!
With Herbie and a female Herbie you might get more herbies thatn you counted on. ;)
Herb-Dog is fixed :)
Herbie is a proper young man and I'm sure he would be very courtious if he wanted to date the new chick in town. But mostly because he's a unick.
erica: I'm stupid and I'm gonna ask instead of looking on wikipedia but what is a "unick"
It's a guy who has gotten his man parts cut off.
ericA: you're wicked hip/cool!
I know - I just can't help it.
A few questions:
1. Who is that babe with you in your profile photo?
2. Are you obsessed with Schnauzers?
3. Who is that babe with you in your profile photo? Just in case you skipped question 1.
4. What's that other blog that you and Erica are doing? When I click on it, I get a page with one sentence on it.
5. Can I have that babe's phone number?
Heinz 57's are mixed breed's.. a more base term is a mutt...
I'm surprised you didn't ask the breeders for the next white female puppy they wind up with. You would think it'd be more humane to pawn it off on you than to kill it.
dan: she is a model from comic con in san diego. i dunno her name sorry :(
and yes i am obsessed with schnauzers!
julianne: thx for the info
vertyeux: haha true
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