Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sunday Nights Alone Are Dangerous!

This Sunday night was a tad different than most of my Sunday Nights. First off, Emily had a dinner date with some of her friends downtown. Usually on Sundays Emily & I sit around the fireplace roasting marshmallows & telling each other secrets. Emily was out of the house at 5:30 pm and that's when the fun began!

After playing video games for an hour I decided to be productive and finally clean the bathroom! First though I needed to feed Herbie. So I grabbed Herbie's bowls and saw that they were dirtier than some of the language I use on my blog and decided to clean them. I finished cleaning his bowls and proceeded to turn off the water when I hear "SNAP" not "Oh Snap!" like the brotha's like to use but more in the sense of "uh oh something just broke". I mess with the faucet and the damn thing won't turn off and it's shooting water in the air and running very fast into the sick. I'm really lucky the drain wasn't clogged or otherwise I would've been bucketing water from the sink to outside. My apartment is so old and crappy that there were no turn off switches underneath the sink in the kitchen. So like the woman I am I call my girlfriend "ring, ring, ring" ok now answer. "Hey Em, the faucet is broken and won't turn off. I'm just wondering if you know how to fix it?" I must be the biggest waste of a man since Clay Aiken. I decide to call the landlord's emergency contact phone number. I get a hold of them and tell them the situation. She says she will send a handyman out my way. The handyman gets here at 7:30 pm to save my life from certain drowning and gives us a new faucet.

I think the moral of the story for me is to NOT use the faucet when I'm home alone, nor try being productive because it will just get me into trouble. Either that or maybe I should go take one of those handyman courses at like a community college. If it weren't for my witty banter and adult developed motor skills people might just think I'm slow!?!?



Julianne B said...

wow... sunday nights really are dangerous for you... you never should have stopped playing that video game... well you know beter for next time now

Gregg O'Connell said...

julianne: I really need supervision
like a mom or something constantly watching over me!

Anonymous said...

I love your profile picture...there can never be to many pictures of me on th e internet.

Gregg O'Connell said...

punky: I feel the same way "there can never be too many pictures of me on the internet"

Gregg O'Connell said...

dirty: watch me please!!!

Erica Ann Putis said...

Maybe you are just too strong of a man and you broke it out of sheer force??? Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Scratch that. What was I thinking????