Wednesday, January 17, 2007

When Did A Large Pizza Get So Small?!?!

Have you noticed in the last 10-15 years that pizzas have gotten smaller? I remember when what is a large today was a medium 15 years ago and what is an extra large today is actually a large 15 years ago! The big pizza chains like Pizza Hut & Papa John's are the ones to blame for this tyrannic change in sizes! All they want to do is make money without caring much for quality.

The reason for this is because they increased the price of a pizzas! I remember when I could get 2 large cheese pizzas for $9.99. Today two large pizzas are like $16.99 or more, but remember today's larges are actually mediums from 20 years ago. Did these big corporate pizza giants sit in a board room one day and say "I have an excellent idea! Let's have XL pizzas and charge an XL price but they'll really only be large pizzas!" These motherfuckers have been stealing my money for too long and it's time for someone to stand up to these mofo's! I'm just the one to do it too! I hope I am anyway :(

Remember when toppings used to be 50 or 75 cents a topping? Today they're $1.50 to $2.00 a topping! It's not like the toppings got 2x better tasting just because they are now 2X more expensive! Now I don't need one of you ass wipes to comment and say "Dude it's inflation! " Fuck inflation and fuck the pizza shops that have doubled their prices! If you're going to charge 2x the price as you did 10 years ago than throw 2x more toppings as you did 10 years ago!

Stop the insanity!



Anonymous said...

There is a simple solution....STOP BUYING FROM THOSE PLACES! Quit yer bitchin!

Mooselet said...

Tuesday nights I can get a large (previously medium) pizza for $4.95. Do the conversion and that's about $3.70. Sure it's crappy, but it's cheap crap.

Julianne B said...

I have to know... where did you get that super hot pic of RSM? I've been throught her photo's and that one isn't there... oh yea.. down with the giant pizza corporations

Gregg O'Connell said...

anonymous: I would stop buying from the big corporate places if Bronx and Luigi's was closer!!!

mooselet: yes thats cheap but for me i'd rather have quality than quantity. i can get a frozen pizza for the same price as that...

julianne: i'm her's a friends only photo :)

dirty said...

What does that picture have to do with pizza?

Maybe the pizzas look small because America is so fat.

Gregg O'Connell said...

dirty: I just thought the photo was as scandalous as pizza prices that it needed to be seen by the world!!!

Anonymous said...

gregg, please go to my site and take my quiz....and you should make your own too.

Erica Ann Putis said...

You sure are passionate about pizza. You should start your own pizza shop or move to New England and start a bakery. Either one will do.

Gregg O'Connell said...

erica: pizza is my passion you know that. i've wanted to open my own pizza shop ever since I was 25 years old!

Kevin Weil said...

I just get small bar room pizzas for like $6....they taste 100x better than papa johns =)

O nice dog by the way and good name heh.

Gregg O'Connell said...

kevin: I was going to name my new dog Kevin but I didn't want him to feel like he needed to live up to your greatness!

Unknown said...

dude you don't even buy your own pizza so quit yer bitchin

Anonymous said...

I agree and I am a fat kid. I enjoy a large pizza once and a while and dont feel like paying outrageous amounts for it. I end up going with Domino's or Pizza Hut with the 3 pizza for 15 bucks deal. Yeah it seems like a lot, but it's not. Keep up the griping about food. I like to party.