Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Thomas Kinkade : Sellout Asshole or Greatest Modern Day Artist?

I've just been starting to notice Thomas Kinkade's fine artwork. He's definitely not one of those artists that will gain you any "cool" points, in fact his art is widely sold in bookstores & drugstores in the form of calendars & greeting cards. You don't need to figure out his work at all, it's like candy, but for your eyes.

If you haven't seen his artwork (click here) then you are missing out. His artwork for me, gives a feeling of peace & relaxation. His artwork to you most likely gives you the feeling of being at your grandmothers house while she tells you a story that bores you to death, while you look at her knick knacks. Yes, Thomas Kinkade's artwork looks like your grandmothers knick knacks.

Emily recently purchased me a 2007 Thomas Kinkade calendar. I was as happy as a flower, blooming on the first day of spring. I hung it up at my desk at work. It's a little ridiculous but I now have 2 calendars on my desk. One is a calendar of my dog Herbie & the other is the Thomas Kinkade one

I didn't really know anything about Thomas Kinkade's background until I did a little research on Wikipedia. I guess Thomas Kinkade is kind of a dickhead. He taunts other artists at shows by shouting at them, he is rumored to have a proclivity for ritual territory marking through urination, alleged to have openly grab a woman's breast at a South Bend, Indiana sales event & Kinkade was so drunk at a Sigfried & Roy show that he began shouting "Codpiece, Codpiece" until his mother calmed him down. I must confess I didn't know what a "Codpiece" was so I looked it up and found out it's a pouch that covers a man's genitals. I guess they were quit popular in the 16th century. Maybe I'll bring Codpiece's back to fashion! Men today definitely need genital protection from all those women that try and kick us in the nuts!

Kinkade is the only artist to have sold over 1 million pieces of art. He has made $53 million from 1997 to 2005. When Kinkade was on QVC he sold over $2 million worth of merchandise in one hour! Obviously he is talented and hits a special nerve with housewives, old ladies & even some 26 year old studs with his paintings.

Thomas Kinkade may be a complete asshole but what great artist isn't? I really think in order to make a mark on this world artistically you need to be a selfish, sometimes heartless, self- indulgent asshole. You can't worry about anyone's feelings or needs until your own are satisfied. Thomas Kinkade, I forgive you for your selfish, heartless, self-indulgent asshole behavior!



Unknown said...

Lol, interesting. I couldn't disagree more.

Gregg O'Connell said...

how do you disagree?

Gregg O'Connell said...

dude i love this guy...he gives me that new england good time feel!

Anonymous said...

I've got your back, Gregg. I find his paintings beautiful too (but they're also a bit like a vanilla-scented candle in a room with a HoMedic zen rock fountain). And I'm a woman, so I think I'm allowed to say that they're pretty.

Gregg O'Connell said...

Xtina: thx you may be the only one who see's his beauty besides me :)

Julianne B said...

I agree with you there bud.. they are rather calming... and they also remind me of my grandmothers house.. it's nice

Dan said...

I'm glad you find his stuff beautiful Gregg. I don't share your enthusiasm. I think his shit stinks. It reminds me of stuff you'd see painted on felt, sold in the same stores where they sell lava lamps, right next to the felt paintings of dogs playing poker.

The only thing missing is a lame Hallmark Greetings poem inscribed along the side. Add that and you have a best-seller for Walmart.

Gregg O'Connell said...

julianne: you always were my better half...

dan: you know what haha..he has actually sold some of his artwork to hallmarkto be used on greeting cards haha

Gregg O'Connell said...

anonymous: come on he may be a sellout but his paintings must make you feel good inside...right?